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This one is too cruel
Thank god the Roman’s were around just long enough to put the blame on the Jews for Jesus’s death, and not the Romans.
We need to thank you for that.
I am 100% sure there were plenty of genocides before then.
It’s when humans come across lesser technologically advanced humans.
Has happened possibly since Neanderthals.
Oh god, the woken dead now love the ancient Roman’s.
Calling “no gender” ahead of the curve? It’s a form of Autism.
And everyone has no idea about crucifixions.
It was don’t by a lower case “t” but rather a upper case “T” because they would remove the part with the person, and replace it with another thick piece of wood.
So everyone wearing a cross? You are so so so wrong. You are just walking around with lower case t.
Btw, people that hate Jews, we expect it. Since the beginning of time.
It’s not news. We have the highest percentage of hate crimes against us in the world, and we already know that Israel would get bombed one day creating WW3.
Why? Well it’s simple, Jews can do most things, but if a Jew ran for president, he would be knocked off by the democrats.
Bullet holes are always slingshots.
If used correctly, a slingshot can deal as much damage if not more damage with less combustion fallout against animals, and even early army’s used arrows and slingshots because slingshots were longer shots and more accurate.
But to think that “aliens came down and shot them”. If aliens could get here, they would have something better than a gun. I mean damn, think before you speak.
Is now this channel is just completely going awoke
Thanks that was a good overview. A informed History teacher would use it as
smart kick off to start the session.👏🏼👏🏼🌹
btw hinduism is the oldest religin to say about other planets if u look closely
My husband and I watch your videos all the time. They are very informative and entertaining!Thank you for caring enough to listen to us and doing videos that we are interested in. I hope you have a blessed day! God is good, always!
I like listening to these types of videos while I go to sleep. Her voice doesnt allow it. I actually prefer a.i.😮
i love watching your channel
it is a great way to learn and I am working on watching the ones I have missed!
Keep up the good work I even share the videos with my grandkids so they can learn too!!
Just been watching some old live steams of you Katrina. Just as beautiful as your voice. Keep up the good work. Atm I am 87 episodes into my binge watch of the origins explained library.
I have been to Cordova in Spain and would like to learn more about The alhumbra. It is an amazing part of history. ❤
I am curious about the influence of the Celtic peoples. My family heritage is from Austria and Germany.
I was in Austria and explored the Celtic influence. Can you please do a video on this. My family is from a vast area from Salzburg to Viena. Thank you ❤
I would like to understand more of the Celtic civilization. In history.
7:46 – 7:58 god ptah or hathor is related to ba'al or ba'alat..
7:07 – 7:45 the surface ground of current egypt today is not the actual surface ground on ancient egypt because it is being burried under the mud that turned into the current ground surface this is why you can see the egypt has the underground part.. i think the sarchophagus was being constructed inside the temple like a cement and after it dries will turn into granite like stone..
few hundred years ago they use the egg white to mixed on the sandstone to create a cement or granite like stone blocks.. egg white is use as binding material..
5:35 – 5:54 the space is not real.. all of those space agencies cannot even go out beyond the World..
5:43 – 5:54 just like the moon landing..
4:59 – 5:18 the US regime of that time deliberately erased the remnant of ancient egypt..
1:36 – 2:22 unluckily space is not Real and the World is not a globe.. the World is not rotating and revolving because it is stationary.. i think the World has two Realms the Physical and Spiritual Realms.. those spiritual entities can manifest on the physical realm..
I would definitely want a Windcatcher. Anything to lower the Electric bill.
0:02 – 1:14 most of those sealed egyptian mummies are being cursed to seal whatever spirits that trapped inside during and after the ancient egypt royalties died.. this is why it affects our time now..
She says 12%Of residential energy use goes to A/C however on the screen it says 2%….
Rome is sounding extremely familiar 🥲
Pleasr leave the alien shit to the history Channel.
Yep, religions/superstitions are an archaic and tribalistic ideology that has hindered progress on this planet for far too long and breeds the most gullible people on the planet.
So? Do we know what in the granite sarcophagus's???
This was a good one! Luved it!! 👍
I love your channel! I Always watch your informative vids! 😊