He Completely Lost Faith in Humanity After Being Neglected for a Long Time in a Small Local Shelter
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In a small local shelter, I met Tori, a sickly and exhausted dog. Tori had endured abuse and beatings for a long time. A benefactor spotted Tori and called for help. Tori was terrified, hiding in a corner and constantly bed-wetting.
Gaining Tori’s trust seemed impossible. For five days, Tori remained in a state of panic. But slowly, after fifteen days, there was a glimmer of improvement. Tori dared to lick my hand, a small sign of progress. Day by day, Tori started feeling better.
After 60 days, Tori slept beside me. Though still shy, he was making steady progress. With each passing day, Tori grew more relaxed. His weight increased, and he became a beautiful and friendly companion.
And after 130 days, Tori was a transformed dog. He was no longer the scared and exhausted creature I first met. Instead, he was happy, confident, and content. Tori’s journey from a place of fear and mistreatment to a life filled with love and care was truly inspiring.
Special thanks to: Help
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Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #rescuedog
You shouldnt have even attempted to try and stroke that dog until you had gained its trust completely. Totally wrong thing to do.
Allah says: Animals are my silent servants. On the day of reckoning, they will speak, and people will remain silent.
ему сделали славянский зажим яйцами .
This dog is me. I haven’t met a human that treats me well. Especially the love and kindness of a woman
так и как на вкус то оказался?
nie wyobrażam sobie by tak psa traktować to najcudowniejsze istoty na świecie zasługują na wszystko co najlepsze zaopiekujcie się nim należycie
Он всё время аблизывался и вкусняшку просил, нет надо руки свои сувать в него вызывая страх на видео. Это же так трудно дать собаке печенько или сасиску…
แล้วมันเอาอะไรกินวะ? ถ้าไม่ได้อยุ่กับคน
Я тоже потеряла веру в человечество, но мне увы некому помочь.
I feel you dog, I feel you.
não consigo compreender o que levam lixos humanos a maltratar um pobre e indefeso animal… ninguém é obrigado a gostar de um cachorro, mas se for para ter um, a pessoa deve proporcionar uma vida digna e confortável para ele
literal es un meme
such a adorable innocent dog same as Milo in THE MASK cartoon.
I LOVE this kind of histories. I love that baby.. hes so handsome and sweet. I LOVE THEM ALL <3<3<33<3<3<3<3<3
Why humans r so cruel…to the animals…and when animal attack human their point of view completely change..what ha hypocrisy
а это не тот пёсик, которого контузило, когда он с кегой играл и она взорвалась?))) видео смешное, но собачку жалко было))
Only Love can heal like that. Thank you for giving that most beautiful animal a second chance.
No começo, o bicho ja acostumado a apanhar apenas olhava e ja se preparava para a surra e mesmo assim não reagiria
imagina o que esse cachorrinho não passou para ficar traumatizado assim……….eu sou a favor de pegar o cara que fez maldades com ele e descontar em dobro, toda maldade que fez com o animal inocente