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About the Author: ZubatLEL


  1. So, I haven't played for a year or so now. Is it all still Wesker and tunnelling/camping? And is solo q still as miserable as it was back then?

  2. I love how DBD streamers are always like 'What???!' when they get hit after clearly making the fast vault, like that isn't normal in DBD with a ping of 30 or under.

  3. Just noticed that almost every clip is typically with a 0 hook to 2 hook killer overall match. Does it mean anything? Idk but I just noticed it

  4. The new UI that show's you what the other survivors are doing just ended making me more stressed about Solo queue, when my icon shows me being chased and NO ONE doing a gen for like 10 minutes, amazing

  5. 1:40 those stairs have been like that for like a year now, if not more. The devs either don't know about it or they just don't think it's a problem.

  6. i play with bond and open hand, if you care for your mental health do not do this. You will see every single fuck up they do and/or just crouching around doing nothing or just standing behind a wall because they heard 1 feint heartbeat and got spooked.

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