He Cried In Pain For Days Until Someone Finally Heard Him

He Cried In Pain For Days Until Someone Finally Heard Him
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📢 We received an emergency call about an abandoned puppy who was heard crying in pain for days in a remote area near a large lake. Upon arrival we looked for him with no luck, but after a while we managed to find him, safe and sound. Although he was very cold and hungry, he managed to survive.
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About the Author: Paw Squadron


  1. What a darling….would adopt him instantly if I didn’t already have two rescues. Just don’t have enough income to have more dogs. So appreciate the work you do. Dogs are love on four legs. I certainly love sleeping in my fur sheets here in Canada in the winter.

  2. should have brought a cinder block and some rope to the lake. coulda solved that in about 90 seconds without all the tears and heartfelt music

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