As many as 10,000 Britons are estimated to be on the Greek island – part of which has been ravaged by fierce fires.
It has forced many holidaymakers to sleep in schools and sports centres.
Rishi Sunak has urged people to remain in touch with tour operators, some of which have begun sending repatriation flights to bring people back to the UK.
It is unclear what started the fires but extreme temperatures, dry conditions and strong winds across Greece have aided their spread.
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#Fires #Greece #BBCNews
Strange that the BBC hasn't mentioned these fires were ARSON? I wonder who started them?
Lies lies lies
Bbc lies lies and more lies
All the fires were started deliberately by arsonists
Probably just stop oil or those others fools extinction rebellion.
Good.. Keep burn it
Om Shanthi to passed away ancestral lineage of all men women kids of Greece.
Omg, mega fire on Greece O Almighty save them ❤
Fire lighters should be arrested and sent back to where they came from.
Lord have mercy on your people
Our prayers with Greece
oh dear poor tourist tere are other people with no omes to o to
Its always hot in Greece and they have fires every summer anyway,and by the way we people haven't greated climate warming you businesses who do nothing about it but sell fossil fuels and hold back new technologies,this is governments and businesses who have kept things the same for greed,so dont blame us people
Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him, will descend in Syria on the wings of two angels, his face dripping water as if he had just come out of the shower, his breath will reach the tips of his fingers, any person who enters into the space of his breath will die immediately except for Muslims, he will kill the pig and break the cross and then pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque with Muslims, Then he calls the Christians to convert to Islam, He also recommended them before (in the Gospel of Barnabas) to believe in Muhammad, the Messenger of God peace be upon him.[61:6]
And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he hath come unto them with clear proofs, they say: This is mere magic.
And who doeth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah when he is summoned unto Al-Islam ? And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse.
He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it conqueror of all religion however much idolaters may be averse.
I am from Croatia and I would ask the English to behave civilly when they come to Croatia as tourists. No nation behaves as uncivilized as the English, they visit national parks and then swim in lakes or rivers where it is forbidden. Learn to behave like the civilized world, you are like cattle.
Global Warming is a ruse derived by Governments who know the truth and whom have Scientists looking at something they cant explain because they can NOT see the truth for the trees and so blame something… Well it must be this!
Here are some basic's that need to be understood first and will later explain why we are being lied to.
Our Atmosphere is made up predominantly by Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%)…. That's 99%. The remainder is made up of other gasses such as Methane, Argon etc and the Dreaded Carbon Dioxide and its Derivatives. The Total Carbon Dioxide and its Derivatives make up 0.04% (look it up if you think I'm wrong).
This percentage has NOT changed since they started recording in Pre-Victorian times regardless of the Industrial Revolution or more modern Coal Fired Energy production. The percentage's of the gasses in our Atmosphere have stayed a constant. CO2 in the Atmosphere was the same 200 years ago as it is today.
Every Nation on the face of this planet is feeding us HOPE because if we knew the truth there would be complete Anarchy so we are led to believe that we can make a difference and avoid this Catastrophe when in fact what they are doing is delaying the point when Humans resort to being animals to survive, AND WE WILL.
The truth is – our SUN (Star) is dying and as our SUN dies it is expanding and therefore getting closer to our Planet and causing it to warm and this is not going to stop.
ALL of the large Nations have either put probes on or in orbit of Mars. Part of their data collection is to record temperatures on Mars and from this data they can predict temperatures on earth for the coming decade and the rate of expansion of our SUN.
IN the next 5-10 years our SUN will have moved around 500.000 kms closer raising temperatures to such a point that 90% of Oceanic life will have died and the ability to grow crops that feeds our planets rising populous will be a luxury of the rich and plunge those who cant afford food to stoop to any means to survive.
IMO this is all arson by antifa-like leftists to reinforce the climate change narrative.
I hypothesise that the BBC wants us to look at Greece and not Canada, because Canadian fires are unexplainable unless you factor in space-based technology.
This happens every year in Greece- climate change is a manufactured industry
Climate climate climate! Enough already, we just want a normal summer.
Oh with her hair i lost my consetration …
I can almost see a commercial with footage from those wildfires and the caption "buy our solar panels and electric cars, 10% off if you call in the next hour".
BBC started the fires.
It's not climate change.
Hope they sort it,but it has nothing to do with climate change . Government starting on purpose and saying you can’t drive or fly anymore . Wake up people.
They need Russian help
But are there enough female/lgbtq+ firefighters in Greece? Nobody is talking about this!!
We all can appreciate beauty of kindness in such despair. Thank you everyone who helps x
People trying to buy this environment crisis lie. Nature does what it does. For millions of years. Stop blaming climate. Climate ALWAYS changing and it’s normal m.
us humans have super sped up climate change this is just the start the planet will reduce our human population by a huge no. over the next 100 years if we dont have another ice age and planet change in that time 😢
I'll never set foot in a sauna again. it might spontaneously erupt into flames with the heat.
Climate hoax!!!
Climate change must be real after seeing this video
I've just watched a video were the Mair of rodes say's yes still come on your holiday,this man is diluded simples
Yes come to Newcastle it's raining you may get drowned but you'll be safe !
Well, the planet will be saved now, as wind turbines will be placed, as had been planned , where the Rhodes fire actually started- and of course the installation will be cheaper and faster. Same goes for other fires that broke out in Greece recently, wind turbines just so happened to have been planned to be installed.
I hope the arsonists responsible are caught and brought to justice
Arsonists arrested but the main stream media will tell you its caused by climate change . Traitors
Only 2 people died they showed it like millions have died but when millions killed recently in palastine by Israel no one even cared to highlight it like a big of a deal welcome to unjust united resist nation where they only care if one of there own dies such a sad and bitter reality 😢
Sounds like agenda 2030.pushing the people off the land and into bigger cities to control them…
The majority of greek people turned to be fatalists the last 4-5 years. Cheated by incompetent rulers who, keep following meticulously their catastrophic "agenda", don't give a sh..t about real society problems. Media, usually distort the truth. Public services & institutions are almost in a disarray. Two disasters/accidents on a grand scale and hundreds of victims, within 3 months (March-June & the wildfires), is a very heavy toll for a small country. Though, they will be, sadly, forgotten in a while, by the indifferent masses. I guess, that even if an asteroïd falls tomorrow, my fellow citizens will continue their lives, as if nothing had happened.