In this video we explore some very creepy and strange captures caught on camera. So far, 2023 has been a year filled with many strange things caught on camera. From weird unidentified creatures, to killers, and to many other unexplainable phenomena. So, today I decided to highlight some of the most chilling and downright horrifying things caught on camera this year. So, grab your popcorn and allow your fear to be maximized as we recap the scariest clips of 2023.
Most Disturbing Things Ever Caught on Camera 2023
~ Maximum Fear 🙂
Which clip did you find the scariest?
I love your channel bro
Hey Max love the channel!
The man that saved the dog has my respect. What a mf beast!! He deserves a medal!! Whoever tied the dog up deserves to be ran over by his own life such as the train would of ran the pup over. The human who tied that dog up shall never connect with love again. Poor bastar*!😂 the dog is alive you filthy animal. Ahahaaaa😂 well done sir. 🫡
These did not happen this year. This video is misleading! The Seattle zombie woman happened between 3021 and 2022 not this year
The zombie lady was an anti vaxxer and she did it to show what the vaccine does to people crazy women
One of the Zombies in the set of The Walking Dead Hits the Sign Board. Ouch!!!! 😂😂😂
What's that thing on the bottom of the door that closes?
Some people believe they are real zombies. REAL zombies?! And, with the tornado, “this might be proof God excists”? It’s called luck man, come on. What about the people in another house close by, that didn’t pray, and didn’t get hit? And how do you know that the people in the houses it DID hit, didn’t pray as well? How stupid. GOD? Really?
Well I cannot do what you do, so I should not be critical, however, your MONOTONE voice is putting me to sleep.
Yeah, the zombie lady was from a movie set, just stop……
Very high respect for the man who saved that dog. He deserves a few medals for that. You would swear thats a stuntman on a lower quality camera.
The only thing this guy should maximize is a campaign urging women not to leave there drinks unattended.
His face is the same face you'd see on a billboard depicting why we need to keep our children in line of sight at all times.
I mean I know everyone likes to steal that almost stoner hesitation like chills but its just making you look exactly like an unoriginal shit slinger and all these obviously garbage videos .
So much cg and editing.
That woman was a social experiments Jack ass…
Yep real zombie …
Whoever truly believes that needs to go chase a tornado for real and let it deliver you far away from sane people where you can't infect us with whatever sickness causes you to think like that.
Omg a closing door
What's a real mystery is how do dumb ass channels like this shill bullshit trash and still manage to remember how to inhale.
What's the heck was that shadow in the baby bro
If there was a real zombie apocalypse I would try to find a semi truck you could live in it and it’s high up some of them have tvs and dvd players semi truck is your best bet for survival
Omg blink my guy. The very blan tone change it up. Make a facial expression jezzz
The clip known as Seattle zombie is actually a clip of Marilyn Stanley who was scalped by her ex in 2015 in a domestic violence incident In Boone county Kentucky.She tried to track down help with some of her scalp in a plastic bag.Not a zombie but a tortured woman clinging to life. Such courage so the screams are of actual pain.
The security guard was either being pranked or he knew exactly what was happening, ghosts footsteps are never that loud 😂
Why you trying to sound like chills
Now that was so scary, the man who saved the dog. God Bless that man.
Fan of the Paranormal and Scary but I haven't seen anything that has scared me yet, and I have watched so many videos. I look forward to watching your channel. Sam and Colby look like a couple of kids that get scared easily lololol. I would love to go on an investigation or be a part of a team.
I haven't seen any report or video that says that, the serbian lady has hurt someone or killed someone . This real makes me feel that this all is just done for social media attraction has no reality at all.
The zombie is staged. You see her with a pregnant belly before she's spoken to by the cops then without a pregnant belly but holding the prosthetic when they talk to her. This video here explains what Ghosts are perfectly https://youtu.be/HWnoE67VT4U
Fake stupid 💩
These are over nearly all over 2 years old, minimum. First one, the guy does these "scary" videos on purpose as a fun thing. 2nd one, is creepy… It's a spoof on the spc that's a neverending, haunted, staircase. 3rd, seattle zombie. I was there for that. She did it as an artistic stunt. The baby was a doll. Do real effing research…
4th on, it's called nature . She is a beautiful psycho. Move on. 5th, not geniune people at all. Their stories are fake to just get views. Their set up is repeated by millions. I've set up equipment for such people. 6th, it's an old lore thing that citizens do in places across the world to "celebrate" a legendary story of mythical crap. 7, i'm glad both guy and dog are safe. I remember it from the early 2000s. 8, it was set up for the video on purpose. 9, another story brought to celebrate by citizens yadda yadda. 10, s^^t happens. 11, I participated in a bunch of zombie attack setups in texas. 12, nature, need i say more. I had one jump my house once. It's called wind change. 13, are we seriously doing this? Just research this stuff, for real. Don't say you did when i dang well know you didn't.
Your last move in each video is only very stupid.🙄
The forest breathing is not a rare thing at all in Canada.
A zombie after someone beat the shit out of her