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#FailArmy #Fails
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7:06 painful
Oh, that poor plant. and that misterable git that hit it.
I don't know about some, but the odd one or two are aaaasssholeee lucky.
3:30 why tf would u shoot someone with a nerf gun when they're trying to paint, god her screams were painful she 100% got paint straight in her eyes 😢
child at 37:53 is dumb as. Makes it look as if it was intentional while any of us sees through his web of deception
Lesson of the day:Trees and cars are dangerous,avoid them.
What the hell?
When ragdoll of Gayle got into the storm drain, Louise said "Son of a bitch! Damn you, Tina! You're right, OK?!
9:11 bro just destroyed the whole shop
test post
The lady with the pain is 100% staged.
3:30 if I was the kid with the plastic gun, my mom would kill me 🤣😂
8:54 I know someone like that dumb bass hole – always standing in the way and as soon as you turn around, BAM, you're crashing into him when you're trying to get things done.
I was just watching a 'Fun Time' funny video, and I would just like to tell this FailArmy video, that Fun Time doesn't leave their viewers enough time, between their 'Fun Time' video ending, and the next video beginning, to click away. Which means that people will often click away shortly AFTER your video has begun, which then sends YouTube the algorithm message, that your video was 'Boring' and couldn't hold it's audience … Not trying to cause trouble … just thought that I'd let you guys know… I don't know if it's a deliberate thing or not, but; let's face it, when you're watching a funny vid, YouTube will often send another funny vid after it, and what better way to wipe out the competition, than not leaving enough time for click-away, to send YouTube the algorithm message, that the competition's video was boring, and couldn't hold it's audience …
all that ive learned from this and other fail army videos, is that men should really focus on leg work before ever trying to dead lift
12:27 gotta be the funniest in the whole thing 😂
3:10… not even funny, just terrifying. I hope the guy was OK!
The guy who punched the plant 😂
Some of these are hilarious, others are 2 inches away from being on the next volume of "Faces of Death"