In this unbelievable recent footage, we witness people facing the unforgiving forces of nature. From landslides and floods to tornadoes and lightning strikes, watch as they encounter these epic challenges. Which fail is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!
Welcome to Natural Disasters Today!
Get ready to be amazed by unbelievable moments of natural disasters caught on camera. From jaw-dropping cyclones to awe-inspiring floods and earthquakes, we bring you captivating footage of nature’s power. Join us to witness the wonders of our planet and stay informed about staying safe during these events. Let’s explore the extraordinary together!
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Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
Аллох бахами кор кодирай .Ин нишонахои киёматай. ай инсонхои фиреб хурда
La terribile cantilena di questo commentatore è insopportabile.
И что ты человек против природы
4:15 状況を見ながらしれっとドア閉めてる女がやばい。
shut up talking
human occupy sea and rivers, destructing mountain, deforesting are the cause of such disasters. sea,river,mountain,forest are not unwanted to human but huge wanted. we should save them or at list do not destroy.
ghê quá
What country did the gamers was still in the computer shop despite of floods?
We are in the end of times. Repent of your sins and turn to Jesus while there is still time. Jesus IS THE ONLY WAY as it states in the Holy Bible to receive eternal life. The signs are all here that He states in the Holy Bible. Pray, fast and serve others. In Romans, believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of GOD and He died for your sins and rose on the third day and you will be saved. Return to GOD, The Only True GOD, The Creator of Heaven and earth. We are not promised another day on this earth. I'm here for any prayers.GOD bless you. Jesus loves you enough to give us time to turn to Him.
Two trees fall over in the high winds and some guy says their front yard is gone. 🤣🤣🤣.
Isso é Apocalipse. ! O nosso MELHOR AMIGO está SOOOOÓ AVISAAANNDO que A SUA VOLTA está por um fio. ! Irmãos, ALERTEM, porque há qualquer momento, O QUE eu espero ansioso para muitos será uma SURPRESA BOMBÁSTICA. !
Wow😮 interesting❤😂😂it's terrible😮😮😮😮😮
Thật đáng sợ
Wow! Towards the end, where the car is engulfed by the tornado, you can see a person on the ground after it passes. They may have been in said car…😳🤔😳
hi i'm from Indonesia…. so love your videos ❤
2:12 熱海の土石流やないかい!!
Nice video brother 👍💯
Да, климатический цербер набирает обороты. Смотреть страшно,не то что пережить самим.
Com certeza isso que a humanidade está presenciando é só um pouquinho do que a natureza é capaz de fazer quando está com raiva.
Estamos viviendo una hecatombe mundial
Гнев природы- страшная сила, невозможно противостоять. Все сметает на своем пути
ธรรมชาติไม่มีใครหยุดได้ เพราะมนุษย์ทำร้ายหรือใช้งานเขามากเกินไปธรรมชาติก็เอาคืน. ความคิดส่วนตัว
Too much distroying system – specially computer room
ओ माय गॉड😮😮😮😮😮😮
What they said was a tornado around those of ballplayers that was just a whirlwind… If that had been a tornado in all of those men out there would have been dead…
Very good content. A good amount of it is original or fresh. I like how you keep each clip brief, a real plus. On the other hand, we don’t need your narrative. Your comments are worthless. Just play the video. That is your feedback for serving me
O, mankind, let us beg forgiveness from Almigty so that our world is peaceful and calm. No such disasters!!!!
I wish there were subtitles!
Human must learn how to respect nature!
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, SAI, Chemtrails, cloud seeding technology by Whether Modification Inc