These are Bullies, Karens and People Who didn’t get their way and were served with some Instant Karma!
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#Karen #PublicFreakout #EntitledKaren
Can someone please upload Retail Nightmares FACE????????????
I came to see for myself why everyone trashes on this channel. I now see why.
Crappy…crappy channel…like always
More bullshit where none of the supposed karma ever materialised
If you ever felt useless, just remember… this guy narrates video clips.
1:45 No need for Cops Buddy, what’s needed is for YOU to learn how to chew with your Fn mouth shut, WTF 🤬
9:53 I don't know what state this is but in Texas if the store puts the wrong price that price has to be honored. It doesn't look like the lady changed the price trying to do something illegal because Scott is changing the price on all of the fishing poles. In Texas this would be considered Bait and Switch. So the lady is completely justified by having her so-called "meltdown." She has every right to get angry.
The first woman is absolutely in the right, I have a disability so have most things delivered. If something is placed at the bottom of the stairs I cant lift it. I feel sorry for her not the delivery service.
First clip: What I don't understand is if you were paid to take a package to someone's front door, what's the damn problem? And then the stupid look on the guys face when he's being told to do the job is was paid to do is rich. OMG! Entitled people nowadays.
Seeing old people, confused and struggling with dementia or Alzheimer's…and hence getting angry seemingly without cause, is very sad. Not much karma there.
Nononono nononono nonononono 😂😂😂😂😂😜😜😜😜
Old man said he was 67 but dude like 80
The walmart video, those 2 guys are YouTube pranksters
I'm a nurse that works with people with mental health issues that first woman was having a manic episode, she most likely is bi-polar, the second guy taking the car apart would have a very different ending if it was my car
Can’t even talk normally wtf nononononononononono😂
The first one had ocd
Not a lot of Karma going on, just a lot of mouthing off.
5:35….. Really that's a Her??? LMAO…..
Lol I gave my life to the lord… exactly and your failing this test BAD!
The problem is….not all these folks were "bullies" and not everyone who was called "karen" was one! The fishing pole lady in Walmart was in fact CORRECT!! The employee was WRONG!! If an item is marked wrong on the shelf the store has an obligation to sell that item for that price!! Now….as soon as the mistake is noted…it is the employee's responsibility to remove the stock until the price is corrected….BUT YOU CANNOT REFUSE TO SELL AN ITEM FOR THE PRICE LISTED!! That would be called FRAUD, AND FALSE ADVERTISING!! The woman deserves compensation!! She was correct!!
Also….the other Walmart lady….you CAN get cash back when purchasing an item with your debit card….as long as you have the funds available in your bank account, which the computer inside the register checks in real time.
Next.. ..the ghetto trash drug dealers who find themselves buying or renting a home inside a nice neighborhood is actually the BULLY.
MOST people who live in nice neighborhoods WORK HARD for a living & have school aged kids and DO NOT enjoy loud music all hours of the day and night!! If they had actually READ the lease or buyer's agreement from the HOA they would have understood that the people who buy in that area sign a contract and agree to live by the HOA RULES. If he's as dumb as he sounds… he didn't read it….but, did SIGN THE CONTRACT!! He's just opened himself up to a WORLD of unending litigation and lawsuits!! And I'm willing to bet the neighbor's lawyers are gonna LOVE the threatening footage this moron was so eager to post!! I hope he enjoyed his "clout" …it sure cost him alot!!
I thought this was about bullies? What is this trash…
Another 1 to block
Omg I love that they both called each other Chad but they really both did sound like a couple of LA chads
She "gave her life to Christ."
He just gave it back.
That dude and girl with the surfboard need to be though a lesson on how not to be intitled
I I I I in Vietnam he was nineteen n n n n n n n n n n n n n nineteen