WARNING : Horrifying Base Jump Extreme Accident !!

WARNING : Horrifying Base Jump Extreme Accident !!
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About the Author: guitarraconde


  1. Am I the only one who thought it was an actual person falling but even more than that at how big the damn birds were when they went to collect the carcass

  2. Damn I was wondering why the wingsuiter just dropped like a bag of wet potatoes and didn’t take off or pull a parachute or whatever, and why cameras captured his impact from multiple angles

    Now I read it was a f— goat lol
    Thanks algorithm for basically rickrolling me

  3. Fucked up how they put the dramatic music on like it was going to start flying or sum… next thing you kno… "BOOM!"

  4. I never agreed with BASE jumping. You can do everything right and still die. The number of videos showing a successful deployment of the main parachute only for it to twist on deployment and send them back into the cliff face. British Army Red Devils Freefall Parachute Team, 2000 jumps.

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