Previous Video:https://youtu.be/AxforGyezHc
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All images were fairly used during the making of this video for educational purposes. We do not mean to victimize anybody emotionally.
5) Ghost Car: https://goo.gl/8p13QI http://goo.gl/MOTRg7 https://goo.gl/XsfOSr
4) Bigfoot: https://goo.gl/jrNa80 http://goo.gl/Qawnwz
3) The Woman In The Woods: https://goo.gl/vUWwJO
2) Chupacabra: http://goo.gl/TOIUIf http://goo.gl/cvXIeB
1) U.F.O Transmissions: https://goo.gl/VGYFjK http://goo.gl/zoBACJ
Music: Ghost Story – Kevin MacLeod
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Big furr came out of bushes after fapping
“Claim” doesn’t mean truth
It’s easy to do.
The last one is one of many UFO cases caught by officer's.
The first video was a great one. Tho not staged like i thought. It's still cool even tho it's not a ghost.
Actually, that first one was debunked by Fact or Faked.
I know this vid is 6 years old but the lore of the chupa cabras is from Puerto Rico, but it transcends to Mexico because there were some sitting about a creature in other places on latino américa.
No such thing as bigfoot or ghosts or ufos
Trust in Jesus Christ alone
2:00 I mean….have you ever even once seen any media of Bigfoot or aliens that "wasn't" bad quality?
i did the first one
The woman is a fake, look at the junk data on the "dash cam." Satellite Position"?? LOL!
First what model is the car? The one that chased by police
1st video was debunked years ago…*yawn
Why is the big foot footage always grainy for some reason?

I have hoodies made of Sasquatch
Sometimes when I step out at night, it can be walking or driving I see things for a Lil thn it disappears! Like driving at night I seen a boy run into the street for a ball & he looked up at me! Or walking up the street I seen a guy laying on the corner like if he was dead! Things like Dat but it rarely happens! & It haven't happened in a long time!
"The Sheriff at the police department"
Definitely a European lol
talk about packing out your videos with out n out bullshit number 2 was clearly just a dog, chupacabra ffs that was a poor attempt at tryna pull the wool over people's eyes.
The big foot is fake the picture of big foot is a movie guy in a costume
Bait and click
The Georgia thing was a hole in the fence!!!
The strange object i saw in the sky made no noise whatsoever. If i hadn't seen it myself, i wouldn't have known it was even there
Ghost car was proven fake by mythbusters the car just drove through the fence
There is absolutely no evidence of any type that big foot is a real thing. None. The casts are also fake
Have Speedy Gonzales and the narrator ever been seen together?
Y-tf is YouTube trying to censor us monitoring what we say erasing our comments. Literally YouTube instantly erases anything that has curse words yet leave comments that are talking about porn and videos that are horrific but we can't say azz or chit or Phuket! give me a break I swear this & other sites need to reevaluate wtf is allowed and whats not!
Me putting a funny/passionate comment with few curses
Videos/ Youtubers showing
Something ain't adding up the creators and videos can show all that but I can't say the F-word this shhhh is not MFin
UFO's DO NOT make a Sound !!
This is a shit list
The first video the driver hit the chain fence and it rolled back down.
LOL. The first two "paranormal" videos in this aren't even paranormal. Smh. Both were proved to be people and it's not even debated at all that they were as they were both CAUGHT.. Idiots.
They see a starved dog oh must be some kinda creature
5 freaky not paranormal videos
6:30 homie just wanted a quick 40 roll
Those aren't aliens from outer space, they're illegal aliens from Norway.
Honeslty dude you make the videos so damn bland your voice is just not fit for narration like ty knots is. Bring back ty bring back ty bring back ty bring back ty. Fuck you euro talking trash bastard sum bitch
At 1:00 omg people if you knew how chain linked fences worked, you would NOT be questioning this video
“I don’t think the sun would just be in that one spot”
Because the sun moves around so much
LMFAO you people are idiots
that girl on no.3 police said why are you standing at night head down
girl replied '' I set fire to the rain… fu…k i'm on fire holy grail''
love subtitles