The whackiest workouts you definitely don’t want to repeat! 😱🤣🥲😎 #Gym #Fitness #Workout #Motivation #Fun #Life #Body #Science #TiH #ThisIsHappening
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How did these people live to be adults?
Ego lifting
God bless those heterosexual men: they are as dumb as a dog, but sexy AF.
Natural selection 💪
2:40 is soooooo sus
4:53 😂😂
Do not know why these ppl are even laughing!
The first guy looks like he could be the mascot for michelin
64 Workout fails nah
A stack of workout fails yup
Too young and inexperienced. Since I was 14 never had an injury lifting weights. Have to know how to work out and you limits
Glad mostly everyone is safe in this video. Lift smartly. Use barbell clips and safety bars. Balancing is very tough on some lifts with uneven strength in arms. If a weight plate is an inch apart that balance is all off. You almost will fail that lift
It's funny when it's someone else
when was it that a-holes began outnumbering normal humans? this is why accepting everyone is a horrible idea.
5:29 training neck is often ignored, atleast this dude does it.
Tanto idiota q denigra el ejercicio lástima q a muchos le parece gracioso pero no lo es
Free pass for this and for everything else I saw today including this and including all the YouTube shorts I saw today and I don’t claim the bad luck when the guy broke the mirror so I don’t claim that bad luck so free pass for all of that
0:58 my man was chillin in the end tho
Shouldn’t allow people on recreational drugs in the gym 😂😂😂😂
0:34 Dad: "Son, this is how I met your father"
2:27 what else can you say?… LOL amazing
Brain -> base material : muscles
Freakin idiots
1:10 had me cryin😂😭
1:09 Thats some intense sht 💀