#gambling #ultimatetexasholdem #yachtclub
My 2023 confirmed cruise dates
This video is for entertaimnent purposes only. Gambling in any form is risky and must be taken seriously.
when you had a pair of 8 on the flop, dealer didn't check with you if you'd seen it but when communication card had 2 pair and a 3 while your card were 5and 6 the dealer asked you to play on the board?!?!
Dj wild is most fun
Play trips it’s called gambling for a reason
I usually play the trips, but now thinking about it, you are partly covered with the blind bet. I think I am changing to not playing and see how it goes. That guy with a mic in the background is annoying AF….lol
If u can’t afford the trips bet don’t go to the casino
Another great video 😀 have a great night 👍 nice wins
I don't play trips except once in a great while. I get people wanna catch big wins on side bets. I would also like to be around when lightning strikes. I'm going to get a ton of money if I hit a royal flush even if I'm only playing the normal bets. The more hands I can play, the more likely I'll be there for the big hit. The chance to make it bigger is more than offset by leaking money faster.
Bet ur money on blind better then trips
I play the trips, unfortunately lol
Always play the trips and usually triple my ante because it pays well when it hits.
I always play the trips because a win is a win
What a finale !
Play trips? Simple: You watch your video and track spend win loss on trips. You'll find you lose. Then apply the odds of the royal-when did you hit? Figure out your $25 bet against the royal and then how many hands you play on average a (year?week?day?) anyway long term I figure not gonna win. If drawn four of a kind three times in last ten years and no striaght flushes or RF.
I do not play the trips it’s a sucker bet. The odds are against you in the long run. I watch you play all the time and rarely do you ever come out ahead on trips bet. If you actually tracked it over 10 sessions I’d venture you’d only come out ahead maybe 2 times.
I can convince you not to play trips, play 100 hands, bet $10 each hand per trips, youll see maybe $300 returned 😂 if you're lucky for those 100 hands you might get 500
Dealer winning on BLue cArds
No trips because the Blind Bet covers all the hands Straight and up and the Trips by itself isn't worth the price of admission.
I will play trips on the first hand. Then i will only play trips if i have winnings in front of me..
Wont play trips with my own money.
I play the trips and they had another ultimate bet that saved my ass a couple of times
I played this game last night. I couldn’t catch a card to save my life. I lost my ass then I moved to a regular poker table where my daughter was sitting she kicked ass and I lost my ass, so good luck to you do better than me.
Trip is called a sucker bet
It will suck you money in the long run
Other than your atrocious luck at cards, playing trips is the least of your worries.😎👍❤️
I should probably say that solving puzzles is your niche. Cards not so much.🤪
You have played about 15 hands at the 11:30 minute mark n you have won TRIPS ONCE.. thats why most dont play trips
Do I play the trips, nope, reason same as I don't play the slots. Game is around 1-2% house edge if you play correct strategy. If you play the trips you make it +7% house advantage. Better to play roulette.
Do you know your average on trips ? In my case I hit trips one out of 11 hands
You have to be tough if you're a utuber.
Good afternoon good luck 🎉😊
Trips is a garbage bet – odds are far too low for the odds it takes to hit those hands. Do you get 3 of a kind more or less than 3-1.
It’s probably close to 20-1