It Takes Hundreds of Lives a Year, But Only 5% Know About It

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How to Stay Safe in the Ocean. Any experienced lifeguard will warn you about a deadly phenomenon that claims the lives of more than 100 American beachgoers every year. In fact, about 80% of all rescues that lifeguards make have a connection to this danger. No, it’s not sharks or poisonous jellyfish or anything like that. The most treacherous thing that can happen to you in the ocean is a totally natural phenomenon called a rip current.
The main reason why people lose their lives when stuck in a rip current comes down to panic. When they find themselves suddenly being pulled away from the shore at a high speed, terror ensues, they start to panic, wear themselves out in the fight, and drown because of it. What you should do instead is stay calm, take control of the situation, keep afloat, weigh your options, and don’t exhaust yourself.

What is a rip current and how is it so deadly? 1:02
How to identify a rip current? 4:10
What to do if you’ve been caught in a rip current? 4:52
Rip current research 6:50


-A rip is basically a strong current on the surface of the ocean that flows away from the shore. The main danger of a rip is that it flows seaward away from the shore, so it can easily pull unaware swimmers with it.
-It often looks like a calm patch of water between breaking waves, which at first glance seems like the best place to enter the water. But don’t let the tranquility deceive you because you might inadvertently pick the most dangerous place to swim.
-The first thing you absolutely must do is stay calm. Panicking does not help; in fact, it ends up costing people their lives when they’re overcome by it. Second, you need to conserve energy. DO NOT attempt to swim against the rip current toward the shore.
-Dr. Jamie MacMahan, a professor of oceanography started his own research using GPS devices to track rip currents in France, England, and the U.S. Among the great number of currents he’s studied, only 10 to 20% did not return back to the shore. The rest of them moved in circles.

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  1. I think you should stay calm and go with it and signal/wave your arm for assistance or help to the life gurads and wait a minute or two and a life guard will probably come and help escape the current

  2. No, I haven't been caught in one the only bad thing that happened to me at a beach is I saw this big purplish blackish brownish scorpion but it didn't sting me luckily and another time I got stung by a jelly fish so yeah not too bad.

  3. Basically I was swimming of the North coast of the mediterranean in Egypt and I got pulled in by a severe riptide . I struggled for a bit, then I realised I had to completely sacrifice myself to the riptide by lying on my back and breathing normally and just moving my arms in circular motions . After that I started swimming round more than parallel to the shore and then I made it back safely but it took me in for about 300 feet' minimum, I was petrified . But I'm here now though , and I realise that life can be taken from you at any point in time,so cherish it as much as you can

  4. I'm happily surprised of the number of survivor's. I was 17yrs old in Grand Haven Michigan next to the pier and the current pulled me in. I remembered my Mothers voice saying relax and let it take you. I was drawing squiggly lines in the sand to relax while it was happening. I popped up 2 times but the 3rd time I was finally free missing my bathing suit. Saw my gf running and screaming on the beach looking for me.

  5. Yes, I have been caught in riptide, I swam parallel to shore to get out of it. I had to swim quite a distance and then walk back to my beach location. I wasn’t scared because I knew what to do. I think I’d be afraid to just go with the flow afraid it just take me out to sea and not circle back to shore.

  6. I just find it ironic that the title says it causes hundreds of deaths a year and then I glanced down at the channel name being bright side..😂

  7. Yes I was in one at the beach in San Diego. I was way way out and swam parallel to the shore and was able to get out while the life guards just watched

  8. maybe everybody: (watches this video)
    also maybe everybody: AYOOOOOO BRIGHT SIDE! when u gonna make that 5% be a 90% ?

  9. I'm forever in your debt because this happened to me once I remembered to swim diagonal and remembered this video for long enough were my dad saved me I could have died without you

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