Mother Buffalo Grazing Peacefully with her Newborn Baby Calf , a Leopard From Nowhere suddenly attack the calf and steal the Calf in front of the Buffalo., But the Brave Buffalo didn’t Give up she chase and hit the leopard and brought her baby Calf back from the dreadful jaws of the predator.
Но духовитая)
Чет костлявая какаято мамаша!
Mother is so powerful
Ну,не поспоришь, буйвол здесь умничка
الحولیة حیل خطیة
Настоящая мамаша.Отстояла своего ребенка.
Бедные буйволы 😢
La havla vallo Quvata illo billohil aliyul azim MashoAllohu Allohu Akbar
Maathr sneham❤
Thank God they got away