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About the Author: Grumpilations


  1. I swear. I can't stand Arin's constant fart jokes. And the fact he just apparently lets several rip during recordings is just… Come the fuck on man.

  2. The theme song to The Shield always sounded to me like someone unexpectedly meeting Mike Shinoda before falling down an open elevator shaft

  3. I live and breathe for that string of clips of Arin getting one-shot killed by the same moblin over and over again, only to give up on fighting it, run away and then IMMEDIATELY get kicked in the face by a horse. 😂

  4. Arin really is a quality gamer now. "The stamina gets me places. I didn't die because I only had four hearts… I died because I was a moron," might be the wisest thing I've ever heard him say.

    EDIT: Mind you, I want people to know I'm not insulting Arin here; I'm not calling him a moron, and just saying that the smartest thing he's ever said was noticing it.

    We all have those moments, where we make mistakes and pay for it, but having a plan like that is succinct, pragmatic, and correct. One or two hearts will not make a difference early game and he knows it; but stamina will make a difference throughout the entire game.

  5. It took me like three hours to watch this video because I kept going back to "oH NO MY BRAMBLE STICK!" Just the crescendo of Arin's voice, and like the quick pause of the game like that was going to somehow send the bramble stick back. Oh God. It's gets me.

  6. I love when they're just talking about something random and it takes Arin dying or getting the shit slapped outta him so they realize, "Oh yeah, we're doing a show and Arin sucks at video games."

    Also, 17:31 "OOOOPS!"

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