A heart-stopping video shows a camper swaying along a busy New Jersey highway before crossing lanes of traffic and flipping over. The video is one of many that show how dangerous it can be to attach a trailer or camper to a vehicle. Car expert Lauren Fix told Inside Edition many people just don’t know how to properly hitch a trailer. Inside Edition Chief Investigative Correspondent Lisa Guerrero joined the California Highway Patrol to see how many drivers are hauling trailers improperly. #InsideEdition
It's called car drivers not knowing how to tow and their cars is an SUV so they don't have to worry
2:03 MOMMY
for me when i use a trailer i dont use the saftey pin i just use a lock
slow down too much weight in the back
For anyone watching this, you also need to know how to DISTRIBUTE the weight of your trailer. I remember my father teaching me about how to use trailers properly when I was a kid, and he always told me how important it is to put a little more weight forward of the trailer.
Hey get more information before doing a news segment on trailers.
Bit of a lie about the trailer coming off because of no chains or safety pin. It wasn't mentioned but they lifted the ball latch up, as can be seen, really stupid "test".
I own 4 trailers. I've pulled them for years around town and across Canada.
Because of this video:(aka the loss of life)
1) I promise to cross my chains from now on.
2) I'll purchase AND use 4 latch safety pins.
"You have to have TWO CHAINS, its really critical"
TWO CHAINS- "Yea aight fo sho"
2 chains is not cheap, he has to charge like 30k for a showing. This is tyranny! Who can afford two chains?
Looks like a bolt in the hitch where there’s supposed to be a ball.
Guys, Trucks can make such a difference in these crashes, for example a F-350 could’ve easily avoided all of these by #1 heavy weight #2 just meant to tow in general, SUV vehicles aren’t meant for trailers it’s hat easy
O great don't let the linerals get this they will ban all trailers
1:13 WRONG!
You should have the same size diameter clevis pin as the hole in the latch, never use undersized pins.
2 chainz is better than 1
Car expert Lauren says many people just don't know how to properly hitch a trailer
Car expert Laurent improperly hitches a trailer.
Car expert lauren lol
before driving with a trailer, double check to see if the safety pin is attached with 2 chains attached to the vehicle. if not, the trailer can cause accidents so always double check.
No problem with trailers. Probables with malfunction, idiots or people who don't know how to pull a trailer
Chains and pins wouldn't have stopped most if the videos here. The swaying is either caused by improper loading or a lack of anti sway bars.
It's very simple. If your vehicle didn't come with a hitch you shouldn't be towing anything. At least anything big.
Who in their right mind thinks that their small toyota Carola can tow.
1:45 how did that latch get flipped up? 1:42 driver cannot fit in vehicle.
Our professional driver, shows a driver that 100% wouldn’t fit into anything smaller than a Yukon.
Never tow without sway control!! NEVER!!
I use no chains but after watching this I might re consider