Electric car and truck review. Here’s Why These New Electric Trucks Will Cause Thousands of Accidents, DIY and car review Scotty Kilmer. Electric car review. The Deadliest Electric Cars and Trucks on Earth. Buying a new electric car. Buying a used electric truck. Should I buy an electric car. How much does it cost to run an electric car. Why not to buy a electric car or truck. The truth about owning an electric car or truck. Car advice. DIY car repair with Scotty Kilmer, an auto mechanic for the last 54 years.
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool: http://amzn.to/2nfvmaD
2. Mid-Grade Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/33dKI0k
3. My Fancy (Originally $5,000) Professional Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/31khBXC
4. Cheap Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/2D8Tvae
5. Dash Cam (Every Car Should Have One): https://amzn.to/2YQW36t
6. Basic Mechanic Tool Set: https://amzn.to/2tEr6Ce
7. Professional Socket Set: http://amzn.to/2Bzmccg
8. Ratcheting Wrench Set: https://amzn.to/2BQjj8A
9. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter: https://amzn.to/2CthnUU
10. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter: http://amzn.to/2nrc6qR
⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool: http://amzn.to/2nfvmaD
2. Cheap Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/2D8Tvae
3. Professional Socket Set: http://amzn.to/2Bzmccg
4. Wrench Set: http://amzn.to/2kmBaOU
5. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter: https://amzn.to/2CthnUU
6. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter: http://amzn.to/2nrc6qR
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⬇Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool: http://amzn.to/2nfvmaD
2. Mid-Grade Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/33dKI0k
3. My Fancy (Originally $5,000) Professional Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/31khBXC
4. Cheap Scan Tool: https://amzn.to/2D8Tvae
5. Dash Cam (Every Car Should Have One): https://amzn.to/2YQW36t
6. Basic Mechanic Tool Set: https://amzn.to/2tEr6Ce
7. Professional Socket Set: http://amzn.to/2Bzmccg
8. Ratcheting Wrench Set: https://amzn.to/2BQjj8A
9. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter: https://amzn.to/3i7SH5D
10. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter: http://amzn.to/2nrc6qR
⬇ Things used in this video:
1. Common Sense
2. 4k Camera: https://amzn.to/2HkjavH
3. Camera Microphone: https://amzn.to/2Evn167
4. Camera Tripod: https://amzn.to/2Jwog8S
5. My computer for editing / uploading: https://amzn.to/301tYt9
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Well said Scotty!!!
Buy foreign oil!
EV hater…LOL 🤣
I think it's going to go back to the economy that determines if we're going to have electric cars because all the car companies will not take losses if they're not subsidized
Scotty, your presentations are very impressive. The information and the arrangement is like listening to a written thesis.
Don’t think the government going to get away with jamming this crap down our throats 😡😡😡😡
What I find more disturbing is the fires.
If the battery catches on fire, there are ways to put it out. But a fire department might not know them.
I have heard several stories about spraying the car with water for hours. And even one story where the fire department fully submerged the car to put the fire out.
I don't know if these are true, but water and lithium do not mix well.
So for the last 30 years where were your videos condemning the totally overweight unnecessary SUVs people use for commuting???
I'll ask THAT question…
I hate the “walking text.” Very dangerous for pedestrians 🚶♀️
This why I don’t drive! 😆
I mean bmw has better "autopilot" than tesla
GM is stupid. The real HMMWV it’s body is made completely out of aluminum. Even the wiring is made out of lighter material.
On Tesla website the statics can be looked up for how many accidents have happened while in auto pilot. The number of accidents are far less than mile driven with it off. Seems to me you had a point to make and don’t really care if it matches reality.
And they are catching fire
There's something else other people aren't talking about insuring your car full coverage 2, 014 every 6 months.
All these Anti Electric Car campaigns LOL. Ya keep on using Gasoline & Oil ya bunch of Arabs. Gasoline is used to kill people much less than a battery LOL….
Your content is amazing! Keep up the great work!
Mechanics hate electric cars, less business for them
I agree with the statistics and sadly, EV batteries are heavier than engines on internal combustion engines which makes EV crashes more likely to be fatal since they have an increased stopping distance. Even AI can potentially be dangerous with vehicles since AI can fail on vehicles based on what led to the failure. So yes, I think the severity will increase due to the implications from the heavier battery and AI.
pla pla pla……plaaaaaaa
I think it would be far better to address the real problem, too many people period! Obviosly the thought was not given to the safety of ev's just trying to fix a problem with a bigger problem especially in large numbers. I mean who do you sue? The autopilot needs to be outlawed! Electric vehicles, outlawed! Make a hydrogen engine! Or..make a petrol engine with low emissions.
I will not buy EV until they release one with solid battery
EV owners should pay a road wear tax.
Prevention is better than Cure.
Excercise caution, Get enough rest, PMS. No one likes accident, Keep safe guys.
Funny, I have recently read several articles saying just the opposite. And especially when you plug in the horrid death toll from the POLLUTION of gas and Diesel vehicles.
I think the government is pussyfooting around clean and effective public transportation that mirrors developed nations in Europe and Asia, until then these quasi-autonomous vehicles are going to be hazardous and another factor that make riding a motorbike danger
They are also causing people to get leukemia.
While driving a tesla it's like been in a microwave oven at 25% power
EV's are a scam. Enjoy the fire trap Sucka's
I don't trust any of them. EVs are dangerous; autonomous vehicles are dangerous — anything manmade is subject to errors.
Ill stick to the heavy v8 tundra burning that sweet 87 fossil fuel
I have not heard it mentioned just yet so here you go:: You stand higher injury in an EV than a regular car. EVs are 40% heavy and on impact, the loose objects (passengers) absorb that energy on impact.
Scotty – please do a video on EMF radiation & EVs. Would be SUPER interesting!!
And, when the perfectly good cars and trucks are ditched has any thought gone into recycling them in an environmentally friendly way? That the owners will want to buy into?
Where is all the money coming from for everyone to ditch their perfectly good combustion engine cars and buy into presumably brand new electric cars/trucks? FIne for the elites who have a private jet or two , what about normal people, working class people?
In Germany Auto Pilot is an illegal term for cars. We should take note of that!