The Kidd family followed Akia’s story from the beginning and something about her stuck with them. They truly felt Akia was meant for them. They understood that gaining Akia’s trust would be a process and that she may never be fully comfortable out in the real world, yet they never had any doubts about her. That is something special. The world can be such a ugly place. Watching Akia learn to trust humans that had once failed her inspires us.
Rescue is a group effort and we are so thankful to work with some of the most kind-hearted humans that share our same mission. We are forever grateful to the Kidd family for giving Akia her happily-ever-after. Happy tails, sweet girl. Huge thanks to every support and every donation in giving her a second chance.
Amazing Dog Rescue Stories:
Rescue of Abandoned Dogs:
Dog’s Amazing Transformations:
Kitten Rescue Stories:
Special thanks to ThisIsHouston
Love animal please pass it on #PawsInNeed #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy #shorts
Gracias por ayudar a ese ser inocente e incondicionales, Díos los bendiga grandemente por ayudar a ese hermoso
God bless you for saving that beautiful dog. ❤❤❤
Oh my god. What a precious little lady. Best video of the day.
Hi Akia, what a beautiful girl you are 😘
Párabens Deus abençoe muito quem ajuda esse animais
Thank you for saving this dog and giving second chance of life looking how happy this dog is and God bless you for caring
You are so loving and kind❣️💋🤸🏽♂️ ty!!!!!!! 😅
Such good hoomans!
Uy que pena!!! Y que alegría me da lo que hicieron estas personas con un enorme corazón!!!! Gracias por todo lo que hacen
Thank you for caring for the fur baby's. God bless you now and always. 🙏🫂
well done and bless you for all you do.
Ty for saving her and giving her another chance ❤❤❤❤
Thank you so much for caring enough to save the precious fur baby 💕
Thank you sooo much for rescuing her🙏😘to see this brought tears in my eyes!! God Bless you & Alia🙏😘🙏❤️
Thank you to all, thank you for rescuing her and giving her love and a safe caring home ❤
God bless u. Nothing more
GOD BLESS you all.
He is beautiful❤❤❤❤
Ficou muito bem❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lindinho precisa de cuidados e comida (Lar)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for being a wonderful human being and inspiration for future generations, ❤