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Masks are useless, the mask thing was the government trying to control the population….
We don't need your annoying narration. Unwatchable video. Thumbs down.
First clip , kid ain't nervous at all but traumatized. You see the parents tying up their bathropes ?? That kid heard sounds 😢😂😂
1:30 – always kne grows causing trouble for no reason
3:01 I swear this is the man from the animated movie called "Monster House"
Haven't you figured out yet that the people who refused to wear masks were the smart ones?
Yo, I know I am not the only one seeing @0:14 them jams eating them jean shorts up.
I fully support all those who pushed back and refused to wear the ineffective masks!!!
Whoa that was a helluvan ankle twist!!
I always laugh whenever I see police immediately show up during traffic violations in these instant karma videos. If only this happened all the time. It's like they just spawn out of nowhere like it's a GTA game or something! 😂
If that dumb fool broke his back good his his own fault,justice was done.
4:30 That pup seemed real pleased with themself
UURGH – shut up fool
Love the karmas video
That’s not breaking and entering… that’s just trespassing 😂
2:52 Never thought of that. It's perfect!
Why do people wear their masks below their noses? It defeats their purpose.
come on the plane toilet clip is fake why put it in the video
America in nutshell
dude…no one turns their phone off during take off lol
The cat freaking out and hitting the ceiling got me. 6:35
bowling for maniquins
Entitled woman on a plane
They're not porch Pirates they are eFfing thieves!
Legends still say that the guy is still in the bathroom
00:21 Legend has it that after the dad the police came, then fbi scared them, then cia, then illuminati, then demons, then angels, then satan, then god, then chuck norris.
The mask anger was 100% justified. The only thing those worthless pieces of crap "protect" anyone against is oxygen, which your brain needs in order to function. If you want to "slow the spread", then just don't go out anywhere in public if you're sick.
That girl that got kicked of the barrel was pure gold!
0:22 Like mother like son
is there a karma to shut your overvoice
Every one of your videos has a thumbnail of an incident that doesn't come up in the actual video. Unsubscribed.
Amusing 😂😂😂
Karma will come to you idiots that actually believe in the masks! TYRANTS!!!
My wife is one of those gullible and otherwise stupid people who dont use any good discernment when it comes to giving people money when they are asking for it. After I caught her lying about where some of our money went, I started making her go out with me while I gave small amounts of money to those people who are constantly at the entrance to the parking lot for the mall, walmarts, and other stores. We then parked at a distance and watched those 'homeless' and 'needy' people go into the nearby store and come back out with beer, whisky, and/or cigarettes. This after they gave their sad story of how they children and cant get a job and cant even feed the kids much longer.
The only way I let my wife donate money anymore, is donating to one of our local churches who shows us the receipts for where our and other donator's money is being spent on.
Good! Push your way in when they try to force their stupid leftist/socialist masks on us. It's just like we said shortly after china unleashed their covid virus on us, that the masks will not stop or even significantly reduce the spread of the virus.
اللهم إني أسألك الهدى و التقى و العفاف و الغنى . رواه مسلم .
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ وَرَحْمَتِكَ، فَإِنَّهُ لا يَمْلِكُهَا إِلا أَنْتَ . الطبراني بإسناد صحيح
Please don't use Jesus name in vain!
C.ips are too short. Too fast…
What is the universe!
THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY created the universe!
The clips of the a-holes cutting off cars getting pulled over give me hope.
2:32 Why America's Toilets Are The Way They Are
This guy?
That guy?
What guy?
Can it be even faster. Stay away from the speed!
This just shows how trashy violent, irresponsible, and nosy the public is.