Unearth the Haunting Secrets of Secondhand Scares in True Scary Yard Sale Stories…
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♫ Music: INEKT
Thumbnail art: Robin Mikalsen
Story 1►0:00
Story 2►5:31
Story 3►13:00
Story 4►18:58
Story 5►24:55
Story 6►30:29
Story 7►36:10
DISCLAIMER: All stories within this video are provided with explicit permission from their respective authors. Thank you to all who participated in today’s video!
#truescarystories #creepy #letsread
The lady that laughed at the people about being into the supernatural, i hope they hexxed her house.
The chick in story number 6 is a jerk 😂
Dear author of story 6: if you’re reading this, you’re kind of a dink. Like, a REALLY big one. Not only did you and your crew of bullies make fun of someone for no reason just because they share different interests than you do, you then proceeded to be condescending to anybody reading your story, who might believe in the paranormal. I have come to the conclusion that you are probably not very fun at parties, and I would not want to be your friend. You can’t sit with us. Also, edited to add – what I think (since you asked) is that maybe you could try being a kind and decent human and “creepy” things wouldn’t happen to you. You absolutely do not feel remorseful for being a bully because at the end of all that, you called them freaks. So…
The first story is super sad, and I guess maybe I’m just a bleeding heart, but I am not a huge fan of the author. That sword had no sentimental value at all to him, but it obviously meant a great deal to the elderly man, and he was getting on in years, anyway. Plus, I had to watch my grandmother deteriorate with dementia, and I am almost certain that is what was wrong with the old man. He also doesn’t sound stupid, they would have known right from the purchase of the sword that the old man was upset about it, and they could’ve turned around and given it back and gotten their money back. I haven’t got to story 6 yet, but I’m sure that one I will probably have some strong feelings about as well lol
Story number 6- Humiliating someone in front of everyone doesn’t make your point right, it just makes you a bully. It’s ignorant to think you can tell someone what’s unproven to be definitively “untrue” when in reality you don’t know. You can’t prove or disprove it. The CIA literally released documentation on astral projection. Einstein had a copy of Helena Blavatsky's book The Secret Doctrine on his table all the time. She was a theoretician of Theosophy and a profound spiritualist. The evidence is out there.
Anyone else love it when ppl like the person in story 6 decide that their opinions are factual? Or when they treat ppl poorly, but like to call them names when they give it back. Oh, so fun. 😂
Okay first story I’m sorry bro but that son is a piece of work that sword must of meant so much to that old man and shame on the buyer for keeping it but all is fair i guess.
Wow, story 6. What an ahole. Not only did she laugh in the guy's face and make fun his beliefs (that werent hurting anyone), she kept calling them freaks.
She IS the bad person in this story.
Poor old man
OP in story 6 sounds like a jackass
A fool says that I am all there is I am the top of it all in all vanity the fool says in his heart there is no GOD
32:40 "ghosts aren't real"
Jesus= who am I?
The holy ghost 👻
I feel like the first dude was rude and so was the son. The old man was still human, and probably suffering from dementia, and that sword obviously meant a lot to him. Who sells something like that in front of someone while they're still alive? I feel like calling him crazy was insensitive AF and the son was disrespectful to his dad.
Also that lady in story 6, what a pos!
Awesome stories😁
Amazing upload!
Glad most people agree what a jerk the teller of story six is. I can't stand it when people in Joel's stories force their "ghosts aren't real" opinions…like it's fine if you believe that but you don't get to speak over or disregard people's experiences or interests because you're skeptical. Just tell your story and keep it pushing.
Story #2 No MF there isn't anything in my home for you to browse. Story #4 How did they get into the house?
What the 😮 that guy who got with
" Moon " was so gullible to not think it a bit suspicious 🤔
Story 6… I would've given the author the scare of their life for being so mean
Story 4… Me thinks you should ask your husband… 👀
If you don't think ghosts are real, it's only because none have deemed you dope enough to visit.
Story 6: that’s what you get when you respond the way you did
Anybody have a customer ask if you had used sex toys? And then if you’re sure you don’t? I wanted to punch him!!
Story 6 guy sucks 💀
In germany you need a licence to do yard sales it is called gewerbeschein
What is the intro music you use?
Story 6 deserved that moment of haunting she was so rude
Wow, OP of story 6 is a jerk
the intro theme is actualy so good
For story 3, OP straight up said "Be careful, sometimes the people we're closets with, the people we trust, can be the monsters right under our noses the entire time" after knowing this chick for like 10min and pretty much trusted her with his life basically because she was pretty. 😂
Expensive lesson indeed.
Story #6: feels like they were trying to scare you and you deserve it for being such an a hole 🤣