How was Kimi Raikkonen given the green light to leave his pit box too early in Bahrain, leaving one of the Ferrari mechanics with a broken leg? We take a closer look.
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idk if I missed it or what but this didn't actually explain anything
Return the lollipop man
I think I heard one of them go, "I make a da meatball" right before the driver did a burnie on that guy's leg.
bring back lollipop man
I saw the incident up close. That leg break was hilarious. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
explanation : "it's ferrari man what do you expect"
This is why we need back the lollipop man
Box now for hards
Was hoping for an actual explanation… wheel gun analysis, electrical/timing interlocks discussed. Post-incident analysis of wheel nut condition onmeft rear… anything.
At least we know Ferrari will never mess up another pit stop.😉
Kimi: Why is it so difficult to do simple things
Hope apple dies
That was Francesco Cigarini. He was okay
you forgot to explain the pit stop disaster though…
Horrible reporting. So what exactly happened? How did they break his leg? What happened to Hass in Australia? I’m still confused
Maurizio > Luigi
Found what went wrong? "HUMAN ERROR" (Mechanic's fault) OFC !!!!! His Leg was shatterd that's what went wrong !
If this were mercedez
Toto: Noone was at fault but it was bottas' fault.
what happened with the Haas team? can anyone explain?
Ferrari always makes Mess…I can now more agree of that after watching Schumacher Docu and realizing it was not his fault all that Time
This could have been a Kevin Ward Jr incident maybe if Kimi has been going faster or if the mechanic had been further under the car or had worse luck.
“Lollipop man returns.”
Dang it,kimi
"F1 world champion Kimi Raikkonen broke my leg once."
And they want that back in 2021 for "safety reasons"
i didint understand 😁
Lol who is your editor? This is so trash
Do you guys understand the definition of "explained"?
This is why we're getting the new pit stop rules this year
Maurizio when Ferrari makes an error: *gives a detailed and actually reasonable explanation on what could’ve been the cause*
Binotto when Ferrari makes an error: hmmmm, vettel.
Ahhh no I just saw the footage of this before, yuck and OUCH!!
This aged well.
went straight to his yacht
When ever i see this video i think what varun Dhawan is doing in scuderia ferrari pit😂😂😂😂
I mean if I ever got into a weird situation where someone told me I was gonna break my leg but I get to choose how I do so, this would be near the top of my list
Interesting tactics
It seems to me that the F1 committee is trying to level out the playing field by implementing a salary cap on the teams and if that is indeed the case then implement a mandatory time for pit stops ??
Thus the pit crew could take a little more time and caution when changing tires and less incidents would happen ..I would rather see a driver loose on his own accord then a fail in the pit …now having said that I am fairly new to watching the sport and would love to hear some other peoples view on the matter … hit this up with a reply .
In the next 10 years the pit stops will be completed by robots and the cars will be driving by autonomous algorithm's. The winner will be the best "nerd" team with the best mathematical statistical certainty outcome….super fun can't wait for the "Borg" collective 1% taking over all forms of entertainment!
"It is hoped that bahrain will be a one off" – when obvious flag is too obvious.
When you have 50 people working a pit stop something is going to happen. Go back to the old way it's the same for everyone
Uma sacanagem!
nothing was explained
That's why They are called PiT stops.
Actually there was NO explanation of what happened!
Why is it someone goes to Hospital in Europe and not The Hospital. It’s like they use it as a verb or something.
"Ferrari got to the bottom of what went wrong".. why didn't you guys? (reporters). We still don't know what happened
Who here dosnt love Will Buxton?