Rescue the dog tied on the motorbike from the evil man who was on his way to the slaughterhouse

Rescue the dog tied on the motorbike from the evil man who was on his way to the slaughterhouse
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We met a man who was a dog trader. He used to buy and sell dogs from villagers and sell them to slaughterhouses. When we met, he was tying the poor dog with tape and tied the poor dog to the back of the car. He said he would sell them back to the dog slaughterhouse. He did not mind the dog’s life when he tied it up like that. Because he assumed that the dog would be eaten after all. We followed him a long way, and he dropped the dog in the middle of the road, but still refused to sell to us. After a long begging him. He also offered to sell us, a price much higher than the price he sold to the slaughterhouse, forcing us to buy or else the dog would die.
Dogs are you are not food, everyone please take action to stop the dog butcher trade

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  1. When I myself cant close down a single butcher shop near by then I dont have any rights to say anything against than man. People commenting here are also hypocrite as they are biggest meat eaters. For that nation dog is their food

  2. Such evil devils who do this no heart just plain cruelty how anyone do this so sick disgusting all for money this is illegal why does this go on anyone who inflicts cruelty like this should go the slaughter house be tied up suffer I wouldn't care they are cannabals

  3. Why north & south Vietnam country side people So cruel & evil . did you heard what this man said , this type species of dogs nobody wants ,it suits for slaughtered 😡. I check in google i don't think goverment will take action 😭😭😭

  4. А почему у них такие клетки, без подстилок, просто решетки, ведь лапу может повредить?!

  5. 참 웃음이 납니까?? 믿고 믿은 주인한테 왜?? 당신은 천벌받을거에요 생명갖고 장난좀 하지마세요 이 미친것들아

  6. Seems staged by both men. Sorry, but dude on motorcycle was actually gentle compared to some things I have seen (Yulin) with regards to how dogs sold for meat are treated. Stop with these cruel videos.

  7. where’s your Government…your country Animals Right not…he man is manual, case…please take action and jail him immediately

  8. I'd end up behind bars if I came across a low life treating a dog like that. Vile cruel people. Makes my blood boil seeing how they treat animals in these countries.

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