Today we will be looking at some extreme earthquakes caught on camera.
Number one. In 2020, in a city in western Turkey, a devastating 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck, triggering a tsunami.
Number two. In Alaska, earthquakes are pretty common with a magnitude 7 or higher occurring every one or two years, and in 2018 one of those 7.0 earthquakes struck.
Number three. In 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti, becoming the deadliest natural disaster of 2021.
Make sure to stick around to witness an 18-foot tall tsunami wave caused by an earthquake.
Number four. Western China is mostly worried about monsoons and landslides, but in 2022 a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck.
Number five. Indonesia is highly susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis, and in 2018, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck, causing a massive 18-foot wave to wash over the entire island.
Number six. In 2022 a couple was driving home when a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck in China.
Number seven. In 2018, at a cat cafe in Japan, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck the city.
Number eight. In 2015, Nepal experienced a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake, also causing an avalanche to occur on Mount Everest. It was the worst natural disaster to strike the country in nearly 100 years.
Number nine. In 1989, an earthquake struck on live television in San Francisco.
Number ten. In 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake became the worst natural disaster to strike Nepal in almost 100 years. In these clips we see the exact moment the earthquake struck.
Number eleven. Trinidad is earthquake prone, recording up to 2,200 earthquakes every year. In 2018 a violent earthquake struck the area, sending locals running for their lives.
Number twelve. The Philippines is vulnerable to powerful earthquakes, and in 2019 a small province was hit with a series of violent earthquakes.
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Inspired by Underworld disaster videos
(PG Clean, Family Friendly for Kids, No Swearing