White Boy Got Hands 👊🏻 Fight ‼️ Lamont Morton — August 13, 2023 21 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
The way a certain groups acts like they are your friend and when your head is turned throw a punch is despicable.
dude has the kiryu kazuma spirit in him
I would have knocked the woman out because of her mouth.
Inwould have his back and laid thw women out to good job they were scared.
What I find funny is all the shit monkeys ooking and eeking lol
The way a certain groups acts like they are your friend and when your head is turned throw a punch is despicable.
Where's all the outrage when blacks jump whites?
My boy turned into hulk 💀
Out of 15 swings, white dude got 1 that connected
Dam da old days!! Lol
Let’s biatches!!❤❤ lol
Fuck yea beat their ass bro
Good lad 🤘💪💪💪💪💪
But he racist right 🤣🤣
U hoes bent cuz brother beat the work outta all of em 🤣🤣🤣🤣 come talk to me👀
That left hook looked like it hurt 😅
Shoulda used the chair😂
He stood his ground by himself much respect
Hahhaha 😂 so satisfying to see when someone put a blk on his place ….. 👍🏼
The mom wasn't even on there side lol