GMOs are Nothing New: Plant Breeding & Gene Editing: Crash Course Botany #11

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Humans love to play with their food—in fact, we’ve been doing it for thousands of years. In this episode of Crash Course Botany, we’ll explore how we’ve learned to manipulate plant genetics, from breeding tastier fruits and veggies to directly editing plant genes that help crops survive climate change. And if you’ve ever wondered what GMOs are or if they’re safe, we’ve got you covered.

Playing With Our Food 0:00
Plant Genetics & Breeding 1:04
What Are GMOs? 4:15
How GMOs Are Made 5:01
Ancient GMOs 6:33
Are GMOs Safe? 8:30
Concerns About GMOs 9:31
Types of GMOs 11:33
Review & Credits 12:59

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