🇨🇮 Spicy Palm Nut Soup in Côte d’Ivoire: https://youtu.be/LxjaWhvkgKU
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
Guiglo, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) – After making our way along the Atlantic coast of Côte d’Ivoire, we’re continuing our Ivorian food tour to the north, stopping first for an extraordinary meal in Guiglo, before we continue all the way to Northern Ivory Coast, eating as much local food as we can along the way.
In Guiglo, Côte d’Ivoire we met with the Guéré tribe and Madam cooked us an absolutely incredible meat called Sauce Bawin (cassava leaves sauce) and Sauce Kplé Ba (sticky sauce) – a meal fit for West African royalty! It was impressive and the flavors were unbelievable.
We continued our journey to Touba and to an extremely remote village called Gboola. In Gboola we saw one of the most mysterious and fascinating dances I’ve ever scene, the Ivorian stilt dances. We then had lunch with the community.
Finally to complete this cay we drove to Odienne, in the very northern part of Côte d’Ivoire. There we had some Gnomi (griddle cakes) and a huge meal of Sumbala La-fri – Rice made with eggplant and locust beans.
It was another incredible day of local West African food in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)!
A huge thank you to my friend Mo Soumahoro from Belle Côte d’Ivoire (https://www.instagram.com/bellecotedivoire/) for arranging my trip and setting up everything.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markwiensfoodvideos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/migrationology/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@markwiens
👕 T-shirts: https://store.migrationology.com/
🌶 Ghost Chili: https://amzn.to/3PNTvNQ
🎥 Camera gear I use: https://amzn.to/3FVdBUd
(some of these are Amazon affiliate links)
Sticky brown and black sauce is made from bush mango seed.
i Love Africa
You have to visit Cameroun and Gabon. This part of Africa need to be highlight:
There are amazing culture, beautiful nature…..
Thanks so much for your vidéo 🙏🏽✨
It s unique.
Let's bo honest… most of it looks like a digestion problems cows crap 😀
Gollum dressed like a clown today.
I am indian 🇮🇳 and love to watch all this. ..lovely people. .delicious food also
That fear in your eyes when looking at it while preparing 😀
you are the best Mark very happy that you love my country's food
I think that woman thinks mark is too skinny and thats why she just keeps feeding him and feeding him 😂
Mark wiens how to. Respect food and culture,such an open minded person when it comes to food…but!!!he also know if food is cooked without a care,..dont be fooled by him being very nice…he knows food siriously
i love how africans can casually share their food in one plate
The eating session is something else.
Mark really does anything for that YouTube pay check 😂😂
eating same plate..that is something…that i salute for mark weins.
mark wein can easily adapt behaviour..he is so humble…
I'm from east Africa and honestly I can never eat such foods I respect their culture but for me its a big noooo
I held my breath when the stilt guy was dancing… I love how mark appreciates other ppls culture
We all need a madame hand feeding us like that lol. 😂 – “merci, oh, merci merci”
I can't get past her licking her hands then touching the meat telling him to eat it. I understand the culture but that's a bit unsanitary. But love u Mark ‼️
I am so happy and proud to see you in my hometown. I wish I was back home to meet you 😢
Chef Ramsey amd Mark Weins would make a lovely odd couple.
I'd be on the thrown for days thinking I was going to die.
I really enjoyed this! I appreciate how you allow me to experience what I can not.
I would love to try all that food he tries . And learn about all different cultures as well .
I would really like to see Mark 8n a suit and tie in one of his videos.
Let’s donate plastic spoons and forks
What a horrible way to eat each sucking their fingers look like cowshit on their fingers
The food looks delicious cooked well with a lot of love and respect heart,understanding.the food of a country gives them there own identity in the world.
🎊Congrats on hitting 10mil subscribers Mark!!!! 🥳🎊
Welcome to Mongolia!!! we r really glad to meet you sir! hope i meet you in Mongolia and take a selfie 😆
Let me guess you put more chillies on it? Huh?
So sorry but I'm going to need my own plate and food portions. Watching them eat that way is putting my germopobia into overdrive.
Am i the only one that get a watery mouth when watching mark videos??? Cause everytime i watched these travel food videos i just wish i was there to try them… …