We are dealing with a very difficult situation at the sanctuary right now | The Asher House

We are dealing with a very difficult situation at the sanctuary right now | The Asher House
Spread The Viralist

The larger Oregon dog community has been hit with a rare type of pneumonia, its unpredictable, fast acting and quickly leads to an infection in the lungs. Unfortunately, it has reached the sanctuary and we have some bad news to share. The vets are unfamiliar with it and all of the ERs have been completely full in our area. I am so sorry for the bad news โค๏ธ

At this time we need your help more than ever. I rarely ask for help but we are dealing with a scary situation right now.

The ONLY place to donate is our website. Please do not get scammed.

Thanks for watching!
Website: https://www.theasherhouse.com/
Asher House Wellness: https://www.asherhousewellness.com/
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About the Author: The Asher House


  1. Im so sorry Lee and staff to hear this im going to pray for all the dogs god please help these dogs i would love to donate from Australia โคโคโคโค

  2. As soon as I get paid next week, I will donate to you. Iโ€™m so sorry I hope they figure out what the hell this is. Wonder if itโ€™s dog Covid I donโ€™t have a lot I will definitely give to you what I can Iโ€™ll be saying prayers for good people

  3. Ohh honey I HATE hearing this!!!! ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿฅบ Bless your sweet heart … I wholly empathize! I AM SENDING ALL OF MY LOVE, LIGHT, AND PURE HEALING FOR ALL NOW. AND SO IT IS!!! BLESSED BE!!!

  4. So sorry to hear about this. My dog came down with an extreme case of kennel cough. She was given a couple of doses of antibiotics but it didnโ€™t help. She was so sick . Long story short . After a lot of research I gave her a combination of goldenseal, echinacea and vitamin C . It works like a dream . Give it to the other dogs . Itโ€™s safe I gave it twice a day. She was up to date on her vaccinations too. Give it to the other dogs.

  5. Made a donation, all the best for you and your dogs. I hope things get better. Make sure you take a moment for yourself, Iโ€™m sure you need it too,

  6. Hegelian Dialectic. Problem. Reaction. Solution. Sadly, new versions of jabs are affecting animals all over the country, etc. Same story in different places. White coats create "problem", and then more to "fix". SMH

  7. Iโ€™m so sorry I feel horrible for you ! I will be praying for your doggies and your staff. I love watching you and what you have did for saving so many animals. May our father and son holy spirit.

  8. Just saw video. Iโ€™m saddened by the news. Just put my sweet dog down and know how your pets death affects you. A donation will be made along with prayers. Your love for the animals is so apparent.

  9. It sounds like what happened here in Texas when the canine influenza first hit. I was working at a clinic in Houston and another clinic not to far away had to shut down for a month just to make sure it didnโ€™t spread to other places. We had a few cases and it was scary because every moment was a battle. Please just take care of yourself because you canโ€™t take care of them if you are unable due to illness caused by stress. Take some time to do some breathing exercises because from the look of you it looks like your blood pressure is elevated.

  10. I have followed you for over a year and I know how much these sweet dogs mean to you. Sometimes there is nothing to do but pray for God to take over. I believe with all my heart God loves all animals and has a wonderful home for each of them that return to him. No matter what happens God knows you have done your best. You have blesses all your dogs. Donโ€™t be hard on yourself. You have done so well. God bless you & all your sweet dogs.

  11. What a horrible situation! It is so unfortunate that this is going through your community and the Asher House! I am certain the folks that support you around the world will do their best to help as much as possible!!! I sure hope it gets better soon and the area animal docs can figure out why this is spreading so much!! Sending many hugs, positive mojo and a little donation!โคโคโค

  12. It reminds me of what covid did to people in the beginning!! I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what it's like to have to watch these beloved dogs of yours go through this! Prayers that they will be ok and you as well! โค

  13. I am concerned that an unknown substance could have been released and whether this is a test on animals, later to be for humans. Call me tinfoil hat but this is very weird and they recently discovered that secret biolab in CA. Prayers!

  14. Donated and sending many prayers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

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