China floods: Xi Jinping's big test | WION Climate Tracker

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As China continues to reel under extreme floods, china’s economic losses from natural disasters surge to billions, adding more pressure to the struggling economy.

#china #floods #climatechange

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  1. Folks, the many floodings, hailstones, landslides, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc etc happening in all countries are signals of God’s wrath warning of His terminable destruction of the whole world of wickedness except those who have repented and obey Gods laws. His words show the rapture of all saints refer as bride to heavenly wedding is near at hand at your very door. This event like the ark of Noah great flood is for blessed ones to escape the coming great tribulation ruled by Satan incarnate world leader and possibly nuclear holocaust or Armageddon, King Jesus Christ wiping out the enemies of Israel. At the final turn to the millennium, new earth and new heaven to set up the Kingdom of God and various appointment posts by Government King and Lord Jesus Christ. Rest read in the bible.

  2. China was done before the flood. This just speed up the process… This just shows another massive failure of their infrastructure and disaster relief efforts… Now that the entire civilized world is decoupling from them, it's only going to get much worse for them. In 2-3 years China will be lucky to even exist…

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