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In 2019, a man slipped and fell down while climbing Mount Fuji. What made this particular case stand out was that the man was on live stream when the accident occurred.
People would later criticize the man for being reckless and underprepared, with some speculating that it might have been intentional. What made this case even more famous was that what seems to be the voice of a female ghost can be heard warning the man to turn back, even though he should have been alone on the mountain…
I think he felt committed to delivering a good livestream and, to his detrament, downplayed the danger.
May he rest in peace..🙏🏻
He deserved better. 😕
Many thing it’s easier to go downhill than up, and it’s somewhat wrong, and very much wrong if there is ice involved. I was cringing watching him walk past the netting, even if I didn’t know the outcome when I clicked on the video, he was approaching a sideways incline on icy snow next to a that fall, it was inevitable.
Would have been better off calling for emergent help and staying at that structure, cold as it may be, the alternative is what we saw.
Even with the correct gear, that is something you don’t tackle on your own, let alone lacking training and experience. I’m sure with the right gear and experience he would be here today.
the person saying turn back and be careful could be a ghost and if some of the viewers would have asked if he could tell them what the lady was saying he more then likely would have told us he was alone
Let the man rest in peace. No reason to argue his intention that day. I do however believe that footage can be used to learn from his mistakes. No need to be disrespectful though.
Poor judgment on his part. Never climb alone and no fix ropes😢
Man, you have to respect the fact that the guy read a comment and literally granded their wish and at same time imagine being that the that asked him to get the view
Darwin award
R.I.P Tetsu
Moral of the story…don't go scaling the biggest of mountains if you only have experience on hiking trails. Two totally different beasts. RIP Shiohara-san.
he died on my 16th birthday 🙁
It was text to speech for his stream cmon man why does someone always have to bring spiritual shot into it
I think he had a better outcome sliding down the mountain than freezing to death.
How many people in the comments trying to insert themselves into the story with their own climbing successes and stories 😂
How the fuck did he have service on a fucking mountain top
5:23 his last fart alive.
never go alone.
it was a suicide mission all along😬
Gosh whatever will we do without another lawyer.
Salute to his brave soul to see the beauty 🙏 hope he is heaven
Shiohara was stupid not carrying an icepick. Let that be a lesson. He did all wrong things. And all the effort the rescuerers had to identify him. Realy dumb. RIP Shiohara.
There are a plethora of reasons Shiohara was up there, I believe it was a combination of all of these previously stated here including mentality and physicality depleted from the cancer treatments. He was clearly inexperienced in winter mountaineering and unprepared but possibly wanted to feel victorious he took on this challenge.
I have a friend who once worked Search and rescue in Yosemite, he says the recoveries he worked were to recover the scattered remains after the corpse reaches terminal velocity. The body cartwheels sideways downslope and begins to disintegrate. He said most people that died were taking a risk or simply outside of their capabilities.