RACIST Karen INSULTS Black Woman Then THIS Happened…
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#KarenGoHome #KarenGoBrrr
Awwwwwwwe see there not gonna arrest those bikers😂😂😂😂😂
Well what did the girl with the yellow hat do
Playground Barbie didn’t misunderstand sh!t she’s freaking crazy!
Mom at the playground is a true epitome of a class act I love it
1:55 why the cops there but not helping
You let that Kracker walk into your home like that?
The women putting foot to that karen's buttocks at the end of the video? "Slowly clapping my hands and speeding up the clapping while standing up and saying BRAVO!" Lol!
The older person on the train though? Where I come from they would have literally kicked him off the train.
A karen entered a house. My question: why was his door open in the first place for her to walk into his home? Who TF does that?
New playground referee😂😂😂
Get thee fu$!?k off of me😂😂
Why did you blur the black ladies sucker punching the white lady?
I don't think those were officers but they definitely were part of that bike gang!
Racist Miss Piggy 🐷 got exactly what she deserved! Anyone know her name so we can get her fired as well?
Female cop crazing for a bruising! A white cop wants to control Black bodies! Seems like cops need to become missing!!!😮😢
All of us are so cil of your race baiting videos! Lol. There are more racist against white videos find them. Otherwise shit up with your race baiting!
White ppl crazy to walk someone house couldnt been me your trespassing broke in. White cops watch a coward white man argue with a woman smh! White stud cops the worst! Liced head white woman at playground no no no thats not what we gonna do at all
I wish you showed whole parts of the videos. If you don’t have the rest of the story, you’re just wasting our time
I understand the girl on the plane did something wrong, but why couldn’t they just take a couple seconds to say why?
When a cop gies running up to you like that you have a right to use your Second amendment to neutralize the threat. Theybcant just grab you lest touch you. Never ever listen to them and run if you want to. Don't listen to any unlawful command. Again, if you feel you're in danger always use your Second Amendment maybe then their buddies in the station will learn not to harrass and kidnapp people.
Always knock a Karen out. Don't talk to them because they don't communicate in regular language, they talk white entitled speech. The girl that trespassed on the house would be dead if that was my house. I wouldn't let her leave and she'll leave with scars and trauma..edit: of you're gonna trespass inside my home you're leaving in a body bag. Try that in Texas you domestic terrorist.
good for that lady at the park! she handled that very well
Not surprised white cops refused to to arrest a white male that while he commits an assault in front of them.
Why block the thumbnail
I would've tossed her out on her head. Way to kind to idiots
I hope the b.yelling at the cops calling them tyrants need them and they don't show up
They are so scary….sorry ass cops!!!!!
What a disgrace those cops were ,not doing anything to help that young person What were they scared of, he was definitely not a tough guy ,All he does in his little gang , is scare young people I hope you reported them cops
That’s not right that guy was just walking, minding his own business That woman cop should be fired HE DID NOTHING WRONG That’s Unbelievable
Surely you can get her charged for coming into your house That’s unbelievable
New playground Referee!! Love it😂
That lay in the last video got served a KRISPY TWO-PIECE😂😂😂😂
Racist Karen got exactly what she deserved. Her mouth wrote a check her A$$ couldn't cash. Boom🎉🎉🎉
Evil is from the devil.
Wow she just walk into your house lot of people get shot for that
Sometimes just listen to the police, it's making things worse… just listen. Ain't no point in arguing.