We often associate the sound of waves with serenity, but did you know it can sometimes become unbearable? It is best to see these 15 monster waves caught on camera from the safety of your home! Stay tuned to this channel for the juiciest topics on the planet!
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00:00 Intro
00:22 Teahupoo, Tahiti
01:06 Puerto Escondido, México
01:45 Waimea Bay, Hawaii
02:32 Mavericks, California
03:26 Nazare, Portugal
04:13 Peahi, or Jaws, Maui Hawaii
04:56 Dungeons, South Africa
05:43 Shipstern, Tasmania Australia
06:21 Cyclops Australia
07:09 Cloudbreak, Fiji
07:49 The Right, Western Australia
08:34 The Cave, Ericeira Portugal
09:38 Pipeline, Hawaii
10:34 Lunada Bay, California, USA
11:34 Tarkwa
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#waves #camera #surfing #monster
"His death was one of the most violent wave-related deaths in history.."
2004 Tsunami victims : "Hold our 240,000 beers."
You're supposed to be showing 15 monster waves caught on camera not a diary of dumb surfers
I've been in 40 foot + surf north shore, Oahu. Banzai Pipeline, Yokohama, Waimea, Makaha. Lived there for four years. Even Yokohama, with the coral an inch under the water surface to pound you down onto: they all were daily haunts of mine that I loved – it is a lifestyle. You get bumps bruises scrapes Portuguese man of war stings, a broken arm, hurt your back or neck…DAILY. That's all fine. You accept it. It's doable, acceptable risks for the reward. But one day in 8 ft surf at Sandy's beach I almost died. A rip tide. I wasn't even surfing. The sand was getting ripped out from under my feet. four feet from dry sand beach…but in six feet of water. Relax. Swim to the side.
The title is really misleading. It should be, "Dickhead tells stories while showing random wave clips"
Escondido is NOT a wave for “tourists”
The biggest wave I’m ever gonna surf if I do is 8 feet
Give me the amazing luck or the rest of the week sofort
From the first few images of this video, I knew that these very waves that we see here had killed some people. I am not a surfer but a decent swimmer. Nevertheless, I have been badly shaken a few times by waves that were barely 6 to 10 ft high, so there is no way ever I would try to get in those gigantic 50 ft waves. You have little control over the outcome, you can get knocked out on the beach floor or get your bones crushed by the strength of the wave. No matter how great an athlete you be, death is lurking there.
When I was at the Beach one big wave around 50ft came towards me causing me to break my legs and arms
According to the Bible, the current wicked system, characterized by corruption, violence, and moral decay, will come to an end. The Scriptures describe a future event known as Armageddon, during which God's intervention will bring a decisive end to human rulership and wickedness. Revelation 16 states, "They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty… And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon."
After the destruction of this wicked system, Revelation 21 paints a beautiful picture of what will follow: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away." This signifies the establishment of God's Kingdom on earth, with Jesus Christ as the ruler, bringing about a time of true peace, justice, and harmony.
If you have any questions about how to survive the tribulation coming and Armageddon, please write to me at my Gmail, located on my ‘About’ section.
You forgot Poonaninaninani of the coast of Goa. The wave is only 4 feet at the highest, but the water is full of white sharks and jelly fish and the locals shoot at the surfers for fun, the water is heavily polluted and full of radioactive waste, used needles and razor blades. On the shore, there are crocodiles and lions. Here is an interview with the only man ever to survive it.
POV me being a nine year old body border💀💀
Caught on camera, but no footage?
The waves here in Long Island are usually around 6 ft high and I like to swim in them so as long as you go under the waves you will be fine
what the actual sh*t. The only thing I can think I'd do… is die. These are insane
dude the worst wave related thing that happened to me was today 😭
i was bodyboarding and a giant ass wave crashed on top of me and i flipped over, i felt like i was gonna drown it was scarry
Incredible pronunciation 😂
Respect the sea
This was written and narrated by an AI.
You can go in ocean, but just not a wave ocean
Hop no died
Photo shop click bait
They're called tourists not terrorists wtf 😒
Dramatic voice of narrator: "At the Pipeline, over 7 surfers have died." So…. like….. 8 surfers?
Sorry ? Confused. Stories are great but where are the actual videos of the waves because in each case they don’t relate?
Nazare is #1 by far
My luck has been so bad that I’m actually liking and subscribing
Poor kass
That’s crazy😮
Classy Click-Bate
Did you literally offer a strange “like and subscribe” offer of good luck?? Hahaha. That was the most cringe thing I’ve seen.
12:04 "Millions of industrial waste and sewage are pumped into the ocean yearly…". Millions of what?!
If i was going to make a video about surf spots, id make sure i knew how to pronounce them first. This guy is awful
I wish these guys learn how to pronounce these names better
This just looks like a collection of random footage
Nazare Portugal waves are wack!
At least you pronounced maverick correctly..one outta ten ain't bad
Typical American heroes, vandalism seems to be part of their culture these days. Riots, looting, destruction of their neighbourhoods. Then whinge they're discriminated against. Sickening. 😮
Looks painful for the people who had to jump onto a jetzki and leave their surf boards😮