20 Incredible Moments Caught On Camera
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► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements
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Underworld is creating the best new educational videos about the lesser known stories from around the world. We post Top 5’s, Top 10’s, Caught on Camera and much more! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to never miss an upload!
Too much narration. This guy is in love with his voice.
Are they laughing at 13:30 because it resembles a huge turd? Other than that, it looks horrifying!
The helicopter is also called a "Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane" which is powered by massive, twin 4,500 horsepower engines, making it capable of lifting payloads up to *20,000 lbs.
13:07 Meandering rivers at its Finest
18:49 yea only Muslims and crazy Americans.
You don't get time off in America when there is an earthquake. You don't even get a few minutes to compose yourself. Not even when an office building of people doing the same job as you in a different area have all been killed. Then you realize it was the place you trained to do what you do in that building, and the woman that trained you, is now probably dead. But you have to keep taking calls because in California, earthquakes are no big deal.
22:00 Wow.
Oh shut up
Unlike so many of these 'you wouldn't believe it unless it had been filmed' videos that are often "narrated" by irritating non-comments and statements of the obvious, this series always has useful informative narration. The 'bad farming' incident is an excellent example. Well done.
5200 that sounds like a scam
"Brown bear aka grizzly"… brown bears and grizzly bears are NOT the same.
Color isn't a giveaway so you need a better way to distinguish between a black bear and a brown bear. Climb a tree. If the bear climbs up the tree and eats you, it's a black bear. If it knocks the tree down and eats you, it's a brown bear.
Dear Earthquake Victims: Hiding under a heavy piece of furniture or in the stairwell is much more helpful than running around and screaming.
The camera man never dies we all know this
I hardly think the tannerite destroying the barn was incredible. BANG! It's gone…
26:00+ You do obviously come from a land down under, you better run , you better take cover. For Shaw!💋
My friend’s brother went hunting Kodiak with a bow and arrow on Kodiak Island. (He survived, the bear didn’t)
The women on the bridge were kind of cute. Everyone was laughing and smiling, if a little uncomfortable. Lol
Your exaples are credible not incredible check the definition.
I remember the day of the hailstorm. It hit my local area. Pretty wild.
I always thought you used foam on a car fire, due to the gasoline?
Amazing prononciation of "Les deux Alpes" man !
I HATE vertical videos Our eyes are laid out side-by-side horizontally, to see things broadly. As in a landscape.
If only folks could turn their wrist, or an algorithm could prefer a landscape view.
In Australia we have BUSH fires not BRUSH fires
FIRENATOS == See the history of the Tillamook fire in Oregon.
Giant trees were torn out by the roots and hurled for miles spreading the fire,
Nothing says Australia like “fire tornado”
that kayak down the rain run off? Id do it in a second
Oh god, oh god – try to be original or kindly shut up
Wow. Lot's of dongs around (and on) that bridge, huh?
I HATE Fire so much. It just gets my back up if I smell or see fire. Thank goodness that man was saved.
My son is a pilot, long time ago he was flying with his instructor, who was an older man with tons of experience and a friend of ours, made him do an emergency landing, and he was scared to death, but he pulled it off with no problem, one thing that motivated him was we had just bought this plane for him to learn to fly in. Then long story…..
My grandson got some of that stuff and colored it pink to announce what sex they were expecting, well he stool back a good distance an with his shotgun, he blew it up! All of us were so excited for a new baby girl coming into our family, but so now all we have are girls, we sure want a boy, long story!
You're suppose to fight back with black bears cause they're like cats.. They'll play with your limp body until you're dead.
Ah roon ah chahl prah desh is how you pronounce it. Never pronounce any foreign word with English pronunciation. You will always get it wrong. Virtually all the rest of the world's languages have clear, open vowels like Japanese, Spanish, Finnish,etc.
that french skier casually saying " oh le con " ( like oh fuck , or , how dumb , oh boy) the same way you would say it if a mate of you just picked a fight witha bouncer.