Top 30 Impossible Moments | People Are Awesome 2023 #7 | GOG
Hello everyone, this is GOG channel. Today, we will explore some people are awesome, and if you happen to meet any of them, We can admit that they are the amazing people in the world!
Roy T. Bennett once said, ‘Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.’ In our daily lives, we always face failures as well as opportunities to reach success. The key is whether we pursue them seriously and with determination or not. GOG Channel wishes that through the People Are Awesome moments we are about to present, you will gain valuable lessons on determination and positive energy for your everyday life.
01:18 People Are Awesome N0.1 : Hard work
03:10 People Are Awesome N0.2 : Insane BMX
06:58 People Are Awesome N0.3 : Ninja skills
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This Video researched by: Mark
Address: 301-399 Happy Ave,Eldon, MO 65026, US
Geographic coordinates: 38.355138, -92.585244
Mother’s maiden name: Mary Jane
Date 1990-08-06
Age 34 years old
GOG – People Are Awesome does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
#peopleareawesome #peopleareawesome2023 #GOG #GOGpeopleareawesome
Roy T. Bennett once said, 'Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.' In our daily lives, we always face failures as well as opportunities to reach success. The key is whether we pursue them seriously and with determination or not. GOG Channel wishes that through the People Are Awesome moments we are about to present, you will gain valuable lessons on determination and positive energy for your everyday life.
So so graet!
very great!
People are awesome, their creativity knows no bounds!
People are awesome is best🎉
Oh my God. 04:42 seeing them cut and blow their lipstick reminds me of a sausage