Unfortunately, Amazon Smile canceled their program recently and we lost almost 43,000 supporters. Please join us with a small donation here and help us patch this serious hole: https://www.hopeforpaws.org/donate
The story of Karina in the junkyard and her friendship with Peeka and Boo reminded me of a very special video by #Pixar called KitBull – here is a link to this short film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZS5cgybKcI – it really is a MUST MUST SEE video!
Please help us save more dogs and cats who just need someone kind to change their lives. Your donation will send us on the next rescue mission tomorrow morning: https://www.HopeForPaws.org
Karina has a long way to recovery but she can be adopted! She will continue receiving medication to deal with her heartworm, she needs to remain pretty calm and this is why we didn’t let her run around like crazy and play, but soon enough, she will be perfectly fine. We will of course continue to pay for her medication until she is 100% healthy.
If you missed the video of PEEKA and BOO, here is a link for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZcJb46aEZo
If you would like to meet her, please talk to our friends at #LAAnimalRescue – they are fostering her and they will handle her adoption: https://www.LAAnimalRescue.org – they have many other dogs for adoption too.
Thank you so much for helping us save her life!
#HopeForPaws #Dog #Dogs #Pet #Pets #DogRescue #AnimalRescue #Animal #Animals #Eldad #Rescue #Rescuing #EldadHagar
Thank you for taking care of homeless animals
Beautiful sweet gentle girl❤Thank you so much for saving her and thanks to the lady who called you🙏❤️
My dog looks almost just like this dog. She is also a rescue. Amazing
Did she have puppies?
Even a fierce and strong breed pitbull cant do anything to human heartless act…
Never try this at home 😂 well done 👍
I love all your videos but that picture of the kitty sitting on Karina's head is the best!!
Thanks so much sir Eldad for the good job
I gotta confess……..I was hoping she’d bite his stupid ass
Holy jumpins you made so many mistakes on this one!!!
You need more skill at this. Let the women do it.
This dog was a regular Superfund cleanup site
Dear God…with the amount of dirt that came off of her, I thought she was going to be a snowy white color when she was done! I’ll bet that was the very first bath she’d ever had…God bless her, she’s so calm and sweet ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰. I hate that people trash talk Pitties…they just don’t deserve the hate.
Such a sweet beautiful girl!
Bonjour 🐕 toujours de très bonne vidéo, dommage qu’il ne soient pas en Français. Amitiés 🐕 💓
Eldad your amazing. You know animals well. Gentle PITBULL
I always wait for that beautiful moment when the dog or cat is in the bath and the cute bubbles go. At that moment I feel wonderful and in a good mood, thank you😘🐕
It's an amazing thing that you do!!! God bless you all for that! I can't imagine the patience that is needed to win dogs trust again and make them go with you willingly. I just have one question – how is it that you pet all these stray dogs who have all kinds of diseases? Do you have some sort of vaccination?
So when did the dog bite you…? 😦