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Instant Regret – Fails Compilation | Funny Fails
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About the Author: CrazyLand
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If you are to the point where bouncers are kicking the shit out of you you done fucked up.
Dude cheapshots white guy n calls him a cracker. Okay chocolate.
4:10, Bro, Holy fucking teleportation??!!!!! he got up there so fast XD
4:20 he had brass knuckles💀
How you gonna say all the shit and then when you get your ass beat it’s “cALl tHe cOps” what a bitch 4:30
What the fuck is that bullshit where black people can jump white people and call them crackers but as soon as it happens to them it's racism and they turn into the biggest pussies
I'll continue…Dude @7:05 is REAL TOUGH considering how he snuck him. White dude was stupid for lettin' his guard down, true, but if u sneek someone, ur a punk who thinks the only way u can win is to fight dirty…jus sayin'.
I got 1 que for the dude @4:10. After talkin' smack for 30sec, when dude finally ran up on u, did u think he was comin' to shake ur hand?? Dude didn't even stand up, just stood there & got pummeled like he deserved for talkin' sh+t. Just a BIT$H w/a big mouth & no sense. Then after he gets beat, "call the police." Now who's the punk??
In the third clip, that guy seemed to have no control over his legs, after being FLIPPED ON HIS FUCKING FACE
1:30 Roman Reigns :😲😲
That locker room slam is so satisfying
nice XD
he super man punches his aasssss ahhhhhhhhhh
4:31 Are you fucking kidding me? After all that shit you talked you scream .."call the police"? You got an okay bluff but eventually someone going to make you show your cards…better learn how to read people better(or maybe learn to fight). That guy that punched you is not even close to being the bad dudes you are are going to encounter if you keep talking smack while having no skills to tell if the other guy is a bull-shitter like you. Next time you are going to get hurt.
These would be good clips if they werent in 144p
shit quality
Guy laying in the street and they just drive around him. Where's the compassion for another human being? 12 Black men and 1 White guess who get's sucker punched? Stevie Wonder could of seen it coming.
I bet that man at 705 said the n word
I love how the black dude on the bus waits for the white guy to sit down before he rushes him, and then calls him a cracker… definition of a fucking coward.
best video dkwkwkw
8:12 that man just had salads and some work was all..Damn
Furthermore: RIP Karate Kid
Fucking Ns
I HATE bystanders who say " Get off him" or "let him go" when you know fully well that your life is at risk if you do! These bystanders should keep their nose out because that (their nose) might be the next thing to get flattened!