In this episode of Extreme Rescues, a team sent to recover bodies from a wreck on the seafloor gets a shock when one man is found alive. How will they get him out before his air pocket runs out? A hiker must rescue his friend who’s being dragged over a waterfall, and summiting one of the world’s most iconic mountains almost ends in tragedy.
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Hoisted from Hell (Full Episode) | Extreme Rescues
National Geographic
I’m so glad Benjamin was ok!!!
How is it fair that there are people risking their lives to save others but people not helping just getting richer and spend on LV, Gucci, and Taylor's concert tickets? Where us God?
Everyone should sign a document stating if they do dangerous things and get injured there will be no rescue. This will dissuade a lot of people. Your life is not greater than anyone else’s.
Am I wrong or the first US squad seems less "prepared" then the other rescue teams filmed here in Europe ? they winched the guy with that twisted leg and broke femur without even some painkillers…and they didn't seem to have a doctor onboard too. Someone with experience in this field may comment here?
Sending prayers out to these rescuers–they are by far some of the most selfless, dedicated people of service on the planet!
making an anchor in snow and shock loading it!😑
i feel more bad for the rescuers than the victims
"Is there any deformation?"
I mean. His foot's on backwards. So probably.
13:20 Why didn't the rescuer notice the climber was still tied into his gear BEFORE they lifted off?
Maybe he has fallen down, so we wait 🗿
That is why I always look back 💁🏻♂️
Having been attached to those ropes on the ground while being lifted by helicopter ..which can pull whole helicopter down.. talk about stressful moments! However, the ropes while being cut, seemed to hold long enough to prevent an upward spin like the first guy who went up.. lucky for second guy w/ broken leg he didn't have to through a spin on top of his excruciating pain..
yeah nah, idc how much you like skiing/snowboarding or mountain climbing etc. The simple fact that a crevasse exists is enough for me to steer clear of all of the above lmao. Like is it really worth it to you? Possibly dying in a seemingly endless hole a slow and grueling death just to glide around on some snow for a bit? no thanks. Then this guy legit comes back after literally falling into one himself already. Peoples lack of survival instinct baffles me lmao.
Many accolades to the skills and bravery of all those that perform helicopter rescues! I can’t imagine what it would feel like to those waiting on a mountain, on a boat in the ocean, or anywhere a chopper may come for rescue. It would have to be the most beautiful sound they’d ever heard.
I can’t imagine the thought of being trapped in a crevasse. This really goes to show why it’s so important to have Emergency Location Transmitters on you, especially if your skiing/snowboarding alone.
I’ve discovered from numerous talks and documentaries of the USCG that the spins are relatively easy to counter by orienting your extremities in a certain way
When people find that rope 200 years from now, they will be stoked when they find out what happened there.
Benjamin knew what to do.
Why is there no mountain guide with them on the helicopter in the first rescue? In those cases mountain guides are always with the rescue team. They know better where to stay to be safe from avalanches etc…
The French guy didn't even ask for the name of his resquer
The rope fell apart if you look close the blade is upside down not cutting
Filming yourself skiing and then falling into a crevasse. No words.
God the mother of Benjamin is a bit thick isn’t she ?!
I appreciate the fact that they didn't censor the thumb. Helps get a real sense of how traumatic the injury was.
Some of these views and places aren't worth dying for. I'm ok with seeing in pictures and videos. I'm ok not seeing all of earth's beauties.
These rescuers are the finest and best amongst us 🇺🇸 all
Omg! That guy climbing up from the crevasse! And with both parents as witnesses!! Never ever again! I'll stick to the forest
Why didnt they give him pain medication out in the field?
(Idk how its in the US, but in Switzerland in the rescue-helicopters they have an anesthesioloist there at all times, so giving the dude some morphine would have been possible)
As for the ski-tourers in switzerland… everyone is supposed to have a searching device (you turn it on and it beeps and shows you the direction of the other device. Its meant so you can find the others of the group in case of an avalanche or other instances just like this.
And idk if REGA was already on their way, because then it would have been safer to pull him out.
They didn't give the fisherman 'tramidol' they gave him 'Panadol' which is like Advil.
first guy is a friend everyone needs. he knows what he's doing
I got dizzy just by looking at that spin
My daughter has sumitted Mt. Stuart before, and that mountain is no joke. Good thing these guys were together. Big respect for the respect for the rescue team!!
Imagine how good these documentaries were if they didn't overdramtize EVERYthing.
These rescue men have my respect 👍
You would think the rescue victim would have mentioned about being anchored in.
The initial rescue is awesome but why make dramatic/fake saying that the helicopter would have been caught in the ropes. He’s trying to cut the ropes with the wrong side of the blade and the pull is basically what is saving everybody. I’m disappointed as you should be factual.
the amount of kiwis I’m seeing in these episodes is funny lmao glad we’re getting represented