Man Dies, Sees Future & Says Don’t Freak Out Powerful Near Death Experience
🤗 SUBMIT YOUR NDE BY EMAILING; ndedairy@counsellor.com
Some People dismiss near death experiences (NDE) as dreams or the hallucinations of a dying brain, people generally do not have the same kinds of hallucinations. In contrast, the descriptions of near-death experiences are remarkably consistent across culture and time. Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience, they saw past life regression, out of body experience, angels, heaven, met jesus, afterlife and testimony of jesus e.t.c..
For more NDE narrations, please see below.
Women Who Lost A Son Didn’t Believe in God Until This NDE | Near Death Experience | suicide
So Different Than I Expected Near Death Experience| NDE
Man Died For 45 Minutes And Went Straight To Heavenly Realms – Near Death Experience
If you would like for us to narrate your personal near-death experiences, Please email us at : ndedairy@counsellor.com
MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library
FOOTAGE licensed through StoryBlocks and Filmpac.
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near death experiences
Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.
Sounds like he experienced a walk-in situation.
I think for me surviving would be a letdown. Going to the other side but having to come back here would, for me, be traumatic. I am glad you are doing well though.
Loved your experience and your explanation in detail.
Thank you!❤
I am grateful
Your learning…. its the whole point…
What's the big change coming soon?
He's probably a walk in
Misleading title.
Refusing to watch this due to misinformation.
Content does not match title at all. Misleading.
Although I love this channel, I wish the titles would align with the content. It's disappointing when nothing is mentioned that the title suggests. I don't feel you need far-out titles to get viewers, like most channels do. Once people are drawn to NDE topics, we will generally binge them all.
Dislike the deceptive title ! I was a good video nonetheless. When your subject is the Grand Truth of everything… honesty is the way !
I'm a twin, I wonder how that plays in with reincarnation?
With all due respect, pastors don't give last rites, and I'm pretty sure the model prayer, "Our Father.." isn't a part of it.
That was so beautiful, thank you for sharing.🫧
But Do you know Christ
Misleading title
I died 3 times from a massive heart attack, had to be shocked back and it's like getting run over by a bus,but the first thing you notice when your dead is,your not dead.I will never be afraid of it.
God, The Lord, works in mysterious ways, God has a mission for you. God Bless you.
Warning! No revelation is shared. It's only a 20-minute story about catastrophic brain injury. If you're expecting to hear what is destined for the future, dont be fooled by the title, and go somewhere else for the answers.
The real answer and the only one that is probably the most accurate is that what happens after death is nothing because over time you will become dust from a dead body, and dust is nothing, and dust has no thoughts or feelings, what you are feeling now, religion says that you will be in space and that it is true that that dust it ends up in space it's dust and it has no thoughts and feelings so the moment you die you won't be conscious like before you were born only when you are born your thoughts develop and you start to be conscious and when you die it goes away
I can’t fully digest the story, because my brother died when he was in a coma, and we were advised that he would be a vegetable and decided that he wouldn’t like to live like that somewhere inside of everyone who’s gone through that experience you have doubt
Thank you for sharing your message with us.
Awesome Sauce, Thankyou
These channels should not be allowed to use titles as click bate. I really should report them, but I won’t.
Interesting. Would have like to see real photos of after the accident to prove this though. I guess you just don't look like someone that has been through all this.
Thats why i wanna see heavwn also why wont jesus show me heavwn dont you love me lord 😭😭
Where is the future bit, we shouldn't freak out about, very misleading title.
Dude is probably a walk in, truly not the same guy.
Luckely ❤ we have this kind of People in The World, as You – telling us about your Experiece and Life. Im happy you came back, for us, your son and your continuing Learnings and Teachings. Not everyone is strong intelligent and humble . walking on this planet 😊
Also, the story was great, but what happens in the future.???? Dead is not good or bad it just is….do we come back to tell the stories ? I think that is devine🙂
I was trying to find out this man's name somewhere in this video. Yet it wasn't mentioned anywhere. Why…?
WOW thank you so much for sherring your storry, it brings me so much clarity. 🙏 The divine Is with you. A few months ago, I got crash by a car from the front in my bycecle. It happen in front of a hospital. The car plates had my name inicial and one of my favorite number 844
I told every one I was oky, even the voy drving the truck that crash me. I so the Divine protecting me.
The title is not what the film is about..does go into future or changes
Absolut the vidio NDEs and riinght forum world our side up of new's family ourder earth the area . .
God's prof DR NDE's infomation in comproming the familly it's is for missing podcats remember ndes so projet texnology transpot planet . .
Thank's you the message familly NDE's is serious the independen new's our side . . .
"2/3rds of me is in the spirit realm" – 10:36 mark. That is how he came back fully healed.
Do we know this gentleman's name? Has he done other interviews?
I get it… I worry how my family would suffer if something happened to me…❤❤❤❤
Thank you for sharing😊
Glad you survived
PLEASE STOP THE FALSE THUMBNAILS AND TITLES…. you don't need it! All NDEs are interesting, regardless of the content.
Please edit your title.