Failzone is a channel that show all:
Total IDIOTS Vs TRAIN | Close Calls , Scary Train Crashes with Cars and Semi Trucks
Extremely Dangerous Heavy Equipment Fails | Huge Cranes Collapse & Demolition Excavators Gone Wrong
Crazy Bus VS Dangerous Roads | Bus Nearly Falls off Cliff, Crossing Extremely Muddy & Steep Hill
Crazy Excavators Vs Building | Demolition Gone Wrong , Building Collapses on Diggers
BIG SHIP COLLISIONS AT SEA | Ship Sinking & Stupid Captains Mistakes
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Alot of these aren't even near misses. They are full blown accidents… The heck
That was action packed!
It'll be a long time before the penguin gets back in the water!
9:01 that is why you never forget to use auto flashing
Nearly runover = meh
Fallen power line + puddle = AAAAARGH!
Some of those were inconclusive!
I think the kid that runs in front of the car would not agree with this videos title😁
3:39 i think you need to reevaluate your definition of a near miss m8 haha
Biker at 10:53: hopefully ok, but wow, don’t ride if you don’t know how.
@3:40 Whew that was a near miss.
I have just compiled a new video for you to watch and give suggestions for us to make better
This is some of the craziest vids I've seen on youtube.
The BABY Sitting in middle of the road between #2 semi trucks bout to run her over?,, 😮
Using the Bradford Stadium Fire as click bait for this video is nothing short of obscene and offensive …. 56 people died in that tragedy with hundreds more carry the torment for the rest of their lives … one subscriber who will never return signing out in disgust
2:35 "You Can K!LL ME!, but NEVER! touch my dogs!", damn she just tried to push the bear .-.
@17:48 – I guess that guy went to the Prometheus School Of Running Away From Things!
09:09 " Fucking Cockhead ". Gold !!
I LOVE watching humans do stupid things, also i enjoy humans getting themselves out of harms way. Is that..balance?
Ahh bike clips. Nothing more satisfying than a bunch of wannabe stuntmen dumping a machine
There's not a lot of misses in your 'ultimate near miss' video
H2 riders are dicks…. more money than sense…..,.
3:40 The kid who crossed the road was an absolute div waiting for the car to get right near to then sprint. It’s almost like he wanted it to happen.
so much idiots in this world…jesus…
Voted down. With all respect, the outcome of the incidents is not at all clear. Already after two and half minutes there were cases where you'd need some more info. The minimum would be the list of originals to go to for more information. There are channels where the sources are credited. It's more work, but it's kind of the only way to do this.
The last two weren't fails.
So did that guy make it out of that avalanche?
I have no sympathy for motorcyclists that split lanes. Idiots.
You should change the title! It should be called, The S-upid D-mb F–ks doing freaking idiot things.
With regards to your thumbnail i would please ask you change it as I lost some friends this day ,
What the picture doesnt show is people in that blaze on the photo about to be consumed by it …. I think you should look it up on Google ..
The Bradford City stadium fire occurred during a Football League Third Division match on Saturday, 11 May 1985 at the Valley Parade stadium in Bradford,
West Yorkshire, England,
Killing 56 spectators and injuring at least 265.
Dont use someones death to promote a video , at least without some sympathy like this is showing
"Near miss", uh? Like, that guy who went straight from the road and crashed into the field, right? Or this hand-glider who hit the house bull's eye style, innit? Are dumb, or just… plain idiot? Never mind, thumb down, adios.
Failzone doesn't understand the phrase "near miss."
That car at the very beginning already set the tone for the rest of the video (around the 1:00 mark). There has to have been some extremely serious injuries in some of these.
Looks like a lot more hits than misses here mate.
Imagine being the dumb cunt who laughs at his friend getting swept away by an avalanche, guy deserves a ride down a big one himself as far as i care.
10:57 to 10:58 how did he not see that he just walked like if nothing was gonna even happen
EPIC compilation, thx!
Now we know how the world population growth will plateau.