A Kansas City Jimmy John’s cashier was unbothered as a man pointed a gun at his face while robbing the store. The employee, seemingly unfazed, emptied the register for the robber, but not before taking off his gloves. In the video, posted by Kansas City Police, the suspect walks up to the service counter and pulls a gun out of the front pocket of his sweatshirt and points it at the cashier’s head. InsideEdition.com’s Keleigh Nealon (https://twitter.com/KeleighNealon) has more. #InsideEdition
Meh! Another regular day at work in Wokeland
The gun was jammed the whole time lol
"I dont get paid enough to do this" 😐
That’s every employee at every food establishment in KC..neck tats need to apply
Many would think it a novelty to see a black man actually working behind the cash machine rather than robbing it.
Is that bullet stuck in the chamber?
That gun jammed anyway.
For people saying he’s dead on the inside and doesn’t care etc. take a closer look at the gun and that’ll answer why he is unfazed.
Lol cool under pressure indeed, also the idiots gun jammed😂😂😂 so not immediate threat.
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Fine register for small business
I would've quit my job immediately afterward.
If I become president im pushing for the mandating of firearms to be carried by all cashiers. This is America. 🇺🇸
that gun is not loaded right lamo
It helps to know that the gun is jammed open and cannot fire.
Not a thing to worry about with a jammed gun lol
7% causes 60%
Homie had his gun jammed lmao. What a loser.
the gun is stuck? the pistol cant fire, i mean i didnt say he knew that but, maybe he had a chance? to yea.
He wasn’t scared because it was jammed
The weapon was jammed. I would have a hard time not laughing at the dude.
I love how cool this guy is. He seems like he has been thought this scenario several times with the same kind of people
Lmao the gun isn’t even chambered properly 😂
I wouldnt be scared, he double fed the pistol, it wouldn't fire anyways.
i don't think the bulled is seated correctly in the chamber …. Maby he seen it Aswell and was like not in danger yet let's not escalate it
I know why he was un fazed. the gun wasnt cocked properly. if you look the the barrel. you can still see the chamber with the round slanted inside.
He treated the money, gun and the robber as a toy.
The robber was not denied cash.
But he was denied satisfaction… The real drive for such crimes
He ain’t paid enough for that shi
I would have took it… clearly its jammed and he doesnt even notice it (the bad thief)
I wouldnt be that intimidated either if hes too stupid to even unjam it lmfao
This is probably the smart thing to do in this situation. Could you possibly get fired? Yeah, but it's better than being dead. Just give the guy what he wants and have him be on your way. Call 911 after he leaves.
The gun was jammed
Black lives matter
he looks fed up with that shight
They probably split the money after.
This guy should be in movies! He’s got game and frame cool as a cucumber smooth as a waxed table!!!
massive respect for acting like a robbery is just some thing he sees every day
Did anyone else notice the gun was jammed😂
He jammed his gun and pointed it at someone.
That is what happens when you give a simple piece of tech to a spear thrower with a double digit IQ 🤣🤣