Is There Life After Death? moderated by John Cleese – 2018 Tom Tom Festival

Is There Life After Death? moderated by John Cleese - 2018 Tom Tom Festival
Spread The Viralist

The University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies research portfolio includes investigating children who have memories of past lives; the nature of consciousness and the mind-body relationship; neuro-imaging studies of psi events; and individuals who report experiencing near-death experiences(NDEs). In this panel, the legendary actor, writer, and comedian, John Cleese, convenes DOPS research faculty to present an overview of the research to which they have dedicated their academic careers.

Filmed: Thursday April 12th, 2018 | The Paramount Theater | Charlottesville, VA

Moderator: John Cleese, Cofounder, Monty Python
Speakers: Jim B. Tucker M.D. , UVA, Director of the Division of Perceptual Studies, Bonner-Lowry Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences | Bruce Greyson, M.D. , UVA, Chester F. Carlson Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences | Kim Penberthy, Ph.D. , UVA, ABPP, Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences | Edward Kelly, Ph.D. , UVA, Professor of Research, Division of Perceptual Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences | Emily Williams Kelly, Ph.D. , UVA, Assistant Professor of Research, Division of Perceptual Studies, Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences


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About the Author: Tom Tom Foundation


  1. I took dmt the drug that is produced by our bodies naturally at birth and at death and felt the oneness it also made me recognise what it was that made my paralysed father sit up and stare at something magical which we witnessed on his face just before he passed- it’s an amazing thing and if just once everyone experienced it. Everyone would feel wiser and at one with this world at least!

  2. There is life after death upsolutely, the spirit goes on only when you are so close Spiritual and phisical.I have lost one of my best friend today. Yesterday I have seen him across a street on a bridge in a village in a middle of nowhere. And this morning I have a new said last night…He was dead! Unbelievable!,I grew up with Boudisim but all family spread out over the world. I became many reregios.But I Batiste in Boudism, Christianity, he last Hindustan! It might be a joke but It's Truth. I mean across the Existing Earth many pains, language 's.Happy painfully . Sufferings… Lost our love one along away.Belive inThe spirit Of God. .The Lord, the spirit of the The Mother The Son…Lord God Father Jesus The all Mighty God The really of our Universe .. Only the one has teaching us to be a human being… Perfect!!!!! Super Faithfully, Super Spirit….But Super kind life …. Has to End..Helas.. God bless you all..

  3. When my sister was in hospital kept unconscious whilst dying of cancer I was dog and cat sitting for her husband and daughter so they could be with her in hospital continuously – I was watching tv around midnight and the cat walked in on her mission to go out as she walked in the room she stop suddenly and looked up to the corner of the room she started following something that was moving across the room but there was nothing there I could see as I watched her and looked up what ever it was passed through the other side of the room ceiling her eyes following – the cat then looked straight at me for about five seconds and then continued her journey as if it hadn’t happened – I felt my sister very powerfully – I got my jacket and put on my shoes as I reached for my car keys my niece called in tears she didn’t need to tell me my sister had died – I just said to her I’m on my way ! I know that my sister came to say good bye ! I have since had some very strange things happen on significant dates – not sure if it’s afterlife but it was a very real event!

  4. Do people in heaven wear clothes?…. if so, where do they get their clothes?… is there a separate heaven for cats, dogs, lizards or insects?…what is the economic situation in heaven? dead people drive cars there?..if so, what is the price of gas? …. the problem of an NDE is, is that a person is NEAR death, not dead. By definition, if you're dead, you're not coming back. So people who "come back to life" were never dead. No one knows if there's life after death, so all these stories are just that, stories.

  5. why can't they check microphones BEFORE starting? And I still can't hear half of them! My volume is up the whole way. But hey! I can hear the audience laughing!

  6. woah that blonde lady at 1:35:40 really loved hearing herself talk lol😂anyways, I think especially Bruce and Jim are going to make/already making such huge changes in science's view on possible continuation of life after death since they have evidence that's traceable in the physical world (such as children's stories that can be confirmed, people with NDE's being able to tell things that happened elsewhere in the physical world or having seen a deceised person they didn't personally know and the loved ones of that person being able to confirm details). I hope future research will focus more on that, it makes these theories come off a lot stronger!

  7. I’ve had ESP since I was about five, but only for certain people in my life. I also learned if I was told by what you call the quite voice in your head. Only once did it yell at me, if I hadn’t listened I feel I wouldn’t be here. I call the last two and maybe all my angels taking care of me.

  8. Thanks for treating this with respect. And thanks Cleese for holding back on your misbelieving!
    So has anybody in this Panel Died and Come Back? Because I have!
    I had died at the age of 21 a "Theatre" in hospital for a major and risky operation and I went to heaven saw my Sister who had died when I was 2 years old and my Grandfather who died 6 years earlier than my operation and the two of them greeted me and said it wasn't my time yet and with love and all the Blue light etc I was sent back!
    The Medical records stated that I had gone into Cardiac Arrest for quite a period before they got me going again. This was in 1976. So I have seen the Blue light of heaven!….Yes even down here at the top of the World New Zealand.

  9. I've had two obe's and one nde, when i listen to other accounts of nde's, im heartened that people trying to use words to describe it are sometimes identical to the words i also have used. ❤

  10. I feel the purpose of life is to make the world a better place and to fulfill God's plan. If a person dies before they fulfill their purpose then they return.

  11. There is only one group of people that know if there is life after death, and they are not talking, because they can't.

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