Today, we’ve found ourselves in quite the predicament. Gravity has been flipped upside-down! How is this even possible! Will we be able to survive in such a wacky environment, and return gravity to normal?
We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!
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Imma like all the new comments
Can you make a video only mikey pov🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤨🤨
Every one acookiegod is better than maizen by a lot
I've got a question, is mickey a girl or boy.
Maizen: A lot of Videos are Coming soon on every week and month
Chi is the best thing for me being in my room for the first day
me too royishsharma
nah that my Minecraft nightmares
The loafs
Jj had 12 and gave 6 to Mikey I'm not stupid
What the hell iz that white thing?
1:04 JJ have something in his inventory 😑😑😑
this make e dizzy
Vans stop making
Birthday making Lackawanna. So that's more cool
That’s just confusing
It's true 😁
ꑄꂦ ꂵꀎꏳꃅ ꀤ ꒒ꂦ꒦ꍟ ꀤ꓄
Yeah is U
I don't like to go upside down
is up side down
gravity is upside down?!
Hi jj and mikekey i love your guys get more vids❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
0:00 Intro, 2:09 They found a village, 4:05 They start swimming, 6:12 They arrived at a village, 8:15 They found a cave, 10:55, They Turned Gravity back to normal.
You guys Lie You are playing a version of Minecraft it didn't get flipped upside downguys blah blah blah blah blah
Tun your phone up side down
Love your vids❤❤❤❤😊 love it keep it up
😂😂,,😂😅😂😅Tae Tae Tae
Have you realized the crafting table was upside down? 😂😂😂
You should make speedrunner VS hunter but it's upside down
Mrbeast escape room😂
jj had the device all along.
Did you see the U in there then check this out. 1:49
נו בהמת 🤬🤬היגיהה הזמן להלות סירטונים בהיבריתתתת🤬🤬🤬
Going To The Cave To Normal
Your Upside Down In Minecraft With Falling Into The Sky
You look. funny. when. you are upsidedown