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About the Author: Admin


  1. It really breaks my heart realising that ,we always fight against each other to enjoy other people,we are all the lion and the tiger who are family fighting to make « fake human beings » enjoying their sciences to call them selves ‘developed’

  2. 7;04🤭
    🙈⚡🤦🏽‍♂️ Now he's hungry or beyond hunger starving
    Or he may be suicidal the way he did that love back jump leak at the top of the canopy 😳

  3. Boys someone had about twenty large tigers outfitted with custom bulletproof garments or they could run through some s*** they could regulate some s***

  4. 26 seconds
    Notice that little he's got skiffle game
    He can fight
    Notice how he's pausing the leopard the cat's face to keep him from making a b because that cat will bite him right on the neck and suffocate him
    But that Adam was on his back pain that facing keeping him from biting until the cavalry came

  5. Those lusty otters were coming to help their own, they have courage
    I seen large animals running leave their babies behind 4 Dead cowards

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