Merch: https://yum-soda-shop.creator-spring.com/
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Editor: Vegas Pro 16
For animation I use FireAlpaca and Vegas Pro 16
Music Used In Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox_T5Ia_Y0A&list=PLZTpspMIsP_s8nDc3D4wK5lr-m23BtGa1
PLEASE READ: People asking for the pet store name, I will not be naming the store as it’s closed now, not even on google anymore, and it was a small local pet store. I don’t condone harassment in anyway even if they’re a bad pet store. If they were still open, this would have been reported to my local SPCA, but it’s closed so nothing can be done. I didn’t expect this to get so many views, so I want to add, please only rescue an animal if you have the experience and knowledge of the animal, remember buying animals from pet stores is supporting the pet store and encouraging them to sell more animals, there are exceptions to this (like for me, the pet store was closing down and I didn’t pay full price) I did mention this in the video but some people seemed to miss that part. if a pet store is selling a sick animal, please tell them and try get it for free or for cost (the price they paid for the animal) so they don’t make profit, and if possible always report animal mistreatment to your local animal control Center ❤
The bird in the background is kinda driving me crazy I really want to watch the video but I don’t think I can as it’s triggering my migraines
It's so amazing what you have done for this axolotl. That's so sad how this could even happen. Poor little axolotl 🙁
She looks a lot like an axolotl
My parrot could hear the birds chirping in the background and started talking back. So glad you rescued this little one.
cloister world your elders must be proud of you u still know of god <3 not alot of the white lyrans made it. 1000 years of peace underway.
pure blond your sirian the white lyrans <3 thank you <3
Her name should be Luna!
poor axolotl those people just letting her die at the pet store… what a bad people who treats animals wrong
i lowkey thought you ate it cuzz it said i was starving like i was flabbergasted
At 20:32 when you said “what’s poppin’” to your frogs it was a missed opportunity for a good word play joke
You could have said “What’s hoppin’?”
Aww.. I'm so glad she ended up somewhere nice 😁 I never thought it would be sad to see an animal eating, it looked like it had been ages since she'd seen any food.
Thank you for saving her life – we can be sure she won´t have make it trough the next days in the old conditions – she already looked like a Ghost-Axolotl. How fast she looked better in your water-tank, getting a bit color while you explaining to us. I think also she felt she is now loved <3. Animals are very sensitive m/-
My heroes ❤️ another Axolotl lover here!
I am SO GLAD that pet store is being shutdown, may God bless you your boyfriend and your axolotl🙏🏿
As a axolotl lover this was hard to watch
Lady next time get a shovel go to the patio dig for worms😂Jesus christ
she couldve eaten her hand while starving
this is so sweet. i’m glad that petstore is closing down, they did not treat her right!
Your bird noises are making my birds crazy💀
Looked like sand not gravel
Is it just me or does she look like an axolotl too 😂 she was destined to rescue that one 😊
I love your hair ❤❤❤❤
I dont know about you guys, but I’ve always thought “bubbles” is a good name for axolotls!
you are such an amazing person but girl i'm sorry i almost stopped watching like 8 minutes in because of the bird noises that shit was LOUD omg
Thank you for taking on the burden. I'm so sorry. Bless you, I'm so very sorry.
Name her prism!!
You don't RESCUE from petstores, you only support the trade and make room for 2 more to starve.
Don't believe these creatures should be kept in a house…they belong in their specific environment….so cruel…it's like zoos or bear bile farms, dog breeding….leave the little critters alone.😢
So I was told that pet stores in new Zealand are rare and 1,000% more expensive than anywhere else. Is this true? Amazon there?
I think you should name her luna!
Name her Locci!!!
Less talks and feed her omg
She looked so happy in the new tank ❤ I’m happy u saved her ❤
The difference between her and Toothless is so crazy and really put into perspective how small she is 😢
I used to rescue fish from Walmart. I am glad they don't have fish anymore.
good for you girl. thank you for saving her<3
I can't deal with people who didn't take care of pets they need to take care of…
Name her Penny!
I can hear the cockatiel
poor baby:( good thing you saw her!
Good thing it's closed
How could anyone working at that store allow these animals to live in such conditions?
had me in tears when you theorized what would have happened to her if you hadn't brought her home. Thank you for taking care of her!
Name her cipher ik it sounds weird but in gravity falls bill ciphers last words were “a-x-o-l-o-t-l my time has come to burn! I envoke the ancient power that I may return!” Backwards so it would be a cool reference
Water super clean but it should always be UNDER 20 CELCIUS DEGREES!! And never touch them with your hands because you are burning their skin!!!
Pet stores need to be regulated WAY more. So disgusting. Poor thing. Good for you for saving this lil gal xo