It would be great to be in a country with a very low risk of natural disasters.
You would never have to worry about volcanoes, earthquakes, or tsunamis.
If you are looking for that country, where you will live safely from these disasters, we have good news for you!
The World Risk Report was published recently, and the safest country in the world is Qatar!
Qatar is a small oil-rich country on the Arabian Gulf.
Its Residents can feel always safe and sleep well at night, as the World Risk Report has named Qatar as the country with the lowest risk of natural disasters.
Because of its location inside the Persian Gulf, Qatar is protected from tropical winds and hurricanes.
There are no earthquakes or volcanoes in Qatar because it is far from any fault lines.
too hot!
Irealend has no disasters except hurricanes,lightning and lashing rain
When nature is mad no place is safe place
russia, Denmark, Finland, Mongolia, never heard about them having natural disasters.
I live in bc there is literally nothing here exept rain and lightning
Nonono Singapore not once any natural disaster only two floods happened
Malaysia it's actually one of the safest country also
Ireland 🇮🇪🇮🇪 also has no natural disasters beside hurricane and those are small and not deadly at all😊
Just live at Malaysia there are never have nutaral disasters🙃
Earthquakes volcanic eruption tornadoes hurricane storm sinkhole storm surge landslide and blackhole
we dont get them here in england either
I’m in Massachusetts and where having a flood and tornado
The only likely disasters in Uk is floods and landslides
Finland? I’m from there and here is no natural disasters.
Dont forget Kurdistan! There are never any natural disasters here! If there are, they are literally so small? Floods, doesnt even reach a walkway. Earthquakes, cant even notice anything shaking. Tornados are a NEVER HAPPEN. Tsunamis are a NEVER HAPPEN. SLAYEDD
The deadliest creaturas of the deserts : 🗿
The sandstorm : 😏
The dry, water and food : 🧐
Hurricane f5 : 🥶
In my contry is only wind and a 2.3 earthquake and a 3 feet flood
malaysia: alamaaaaaaaaaak u frogot meeeeeee
What about the tri city’s
There no earthquakes tsunamis or hurricanes any danger
I thought Bro was going for uae
The planet 🌎 supposed to cure himself after we damaged it is the only planet 🌎 to give leve in our universe
But in Germany is it Good too ..
Just a little Tornado ( I just can say it in German ) was in Lippstadt and Paderborn,,^^
Yeah come to Australia. No earthquakes, or Tsunamis or Volcanos. Except in Melbourne.
The safest place is the heaven
Also Riegel from germany
Uk Paignton I never have natural disasters we have small floods Tiny then a pencil Small tornadoes can’t pick anything but only toys tsunami no there is a 0.1% astroid 2%
Wt abt Amsterdam?
I live in South Africa and there is never a earthkwake or thsonamie or volcanos or herecanes and floods arnt even that bad.
It’s also canada
The uk
Jys5 googled it. Results in one word? BULLSHIT.
Chernobyl is safer
Africa !!!!!
There is Laos to don’t have any disaster don’t have any disaster
I love catastrophes bcos I'm not afraid of death , there another life its a paradise!
England uk?
What a surprise. The now sunken garden of Eden… the Persian gulf.
What about Singapore there were no disasters ever in the history of Sing
I live in Ireland we never get anything like that thank god
With the Arabian plate fault line in the Persian gulf next to it I highly doubt it's the safest…
Until a meteor smacks that shit