The Most Mysterious Finds & More | Compilation

The Most Mysterious Finds & More | Compilation
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  1. @1:23 Is it me or does the rock have micro sand script or writing on it? It's not in linear but in stages. If someone can scan this and put it in linear flat base, will writing be detected? Maybe I've seen too many weird things but for me it looks like micro writing.

  2. Is "AI", the abbreviation for artificial intelligence; or, the prime tool of those trade on the 'artificial ignorance' of a person as myself & the masses?

  3. Your picture appears to be obsidian nodules in a matrix rock. Obsidian is shiny black in this picture. The rounded cobbles to boulder sized rocks shown appear to be granitic rock.

  4. I so enjoy listening to your videos and sometimes even when David is doing the narrating. It’s not just your voices but also the way that you deliver the text. I can understand what you’re saying and how I can actually see the object that you are both talking about. Thank you for the hard work that you and David put into making these videos and please don’t change a thing to make the videos any better as they are perfect now.

  5. They( the eggs in the clickbait) are called nodules ( rock concretions). And they are VERY understood. There commonly hold fossils, but not always. There are sites like this across the planet and the process in which they are formed is very well documented. They are not "pushed out" they are eroded out. I assume the rest of the video has equally misleading or ignorant "facts" as well, I only made it about 90 seconds.

  6. I do love this channel! Thank you for all these great episodes. Honestly, it's my favorite of its type simply because you seek to just give information and don't make conclusions. Always brilliant! Thank You!

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