If there is one creature that’s not afraid of other animals, it’s the crocodile, but that doesn’t mean it is never challenged or attacked. If you want to see what happens when things don’t always go as planned for the big reptiles, it’s time, because we’re getting started.
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Jaguar VS Caiman
A hungry jaguar surveys its options for a meal until it has no choice but to dive into the water and throttle a caiman. The battle is fierce, but the outcome is like all outcomes between jaguars and caimans. The cats reign supreme and the crocodilians pay a hefty price. On safari, a good sighting usually lasts only a few seconds, but occasionally, a good sighting lasts for several minutes. That was the sighting in question. The female jaguar caught and killed a massive caiman, which is impressive in and of itself, but she then attempted to drag it up the bank and hide it in the shrubs. The caiman’s size was a little too much for her to handle, so she swam back across the river with it. She dragged it down the shore before abandoning it and returning to her cubs.
She took the first one, then the second, before swimming back with both pups to dine on the poor caiman! What an amazing sighting! Wildlife enthusiasts followed this large female jaguar in the Brazilian Pantanal as she hunted along the river’s edge. She saw a caiman in between the plants in the river and pounced on it! She must have been underwater for about ten seconds fighting, to make the kill! This was without a doubt, the best moment onlookers had on the river during their stay as they witnessed the amazing attack. When jaguars and caimans come together, there is usually only one winner, but that doesn’t mean the caiman will give up easily. This battle took place in the Pantanal, in Brazil, and this caiman was a fighter! The jaguar, exhausted after the struggle underwater, came up with a better plan: just pin the caiman underwater until it drowns, which it did.
Otter VS Crocodile
This otter circles this caiman numerous times, thinking and preparing an assault, but the reptile is alert and prepared. It’s interesting to note that the otter is the predator and not the other way around. Otters are much smaller than caimans, but they are aggressive, fearless, and will defend themselves to death if they must. Check out how big this saltwater crocodile is, and how dare this otter approach so close to it? The best thing is when the otter gets close enough, the crocodile doesn’t even try attacking it. Otters can intimidate and challenge larger animals such as crocodilians and jaguars. The massive crocodiles in this footage don’t seem to bother these otters in the least. No matter how large their opponent is, they will charge and attack, especially when they are a large group.
When attacked by larger predators like crocodiles, otters are known to band together and collaborate, as you can see in the following clips. Otters can be some of the nastiest creatures on the planet. They may appear cute, but they are no strangers to heinous acts such as capturing newborn otters and keeping them for ransom in exchange for food. But, hey, they must eat, don’t they? Otters are carnivores that require a quarter of their body weight in food every day. Oddly enough, otters are often the apex predators or close to the top. These otters are looking for a caiman and they dive underwater to get a better look before disappearing in the foliage. It appears they have made a kill, but it’s impossible to see, exactly what has happened.
It’s insane how cats act like they own the world. Scaring off a freaking alligator.
You must be a Lion fan to ignore the incident of the RB Tigress Macchli that devoured a large 15 foot crocodile.
I like how Crocs are like "get to the water!" When ever they see something that scares them! Lol
My favorite was the strong nostrils.
The first line in this video is incorrect as crocodiles are known to be fearful and submissive to hippos.
Machli indian bengal tigeress killed 15feet crocodile
Jaguar's can only kill caiman not any huge crocodile
Tiger vs alligator
crocodile dies to long no limbed crocodile (snake)
I can understand if a croc & an Alli are starving & they go after their own to eat . 🤢 I just think that’s not a tasty choice to them. If they made faces they would be chewing in disgust. “I told u Tucker would be an unsavory
MuhFuckka🤮Interior crocodile aligator
I drive a Chevrolet
movie theather
NGL. Not surprised to see honey badger on the list.
Tbh it largely depends on the size of the croc
Jags are absolute powerhouses, no fear either
Any caymans or crocodiles with the size exceeded 4m or more would be a threat to it's opponents
Otters are vandals.
3:37 sorry? What kind of English was THAT
Jaguars, not Jaguires.
âaaa will ALWAYS pray that
crocs loses ALL a their
battles !!!
even vs e humane, âaaa will pray we develp certain defence workout
koz, e battle vs croc eizz e battle vs e spying CAM !!!
in this context, its e fulky exposd fight, koz ALL YAAA damn body language wezZ
2:22 "just pin the caiman under water until it drowns"
Man, what are you talking about? Do you have an idea how long those things can hold their breath for? How is a jaguar supposed to outbreathe a caiman?
Jack McGuire's ?
Specifically thats the river otter, they are very different from their cute sea otter friends
What do ppl keep saying jagwire. So annoying.
Another inane title and content.
17:28 leg
The crocodile over there like tf was that💀
The most scariest opponent animals dont wanna mess with is humans for real
you need a hippo in your footage. Hippos smoke crocodiles…..in fact hippos end anything stupid enough to get to close. Large and skittish
um they are afraid of hippos
Just imagine what can a tiger do with a crocodile
if a jaguar can.
This is bullshit .. the monkey you can see got his arm broken…that documentary is awful . Worst that's been made. Literally all the animals die …….this yt vid is bs
choose the wrong opponent so where is it, you just talk and talk and talk