These Fortnite streamers got exposed on live stream because they forgot to turn off live or did something on live they didn’t mean …
These Fortnite streamers got exposed on live stream because they forgot to turn off live or did something on live they didn’t mean …
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That's not a hate comment by the way
Hey hey spacebound I really do not like spiders and I like to watch your videos but the spiders are stopping me from watching the videos so can there not be anymore spiders please
I don't get it how the first video exposed? Exposed what exactly?
I honestly can't stand Keemstar.
It’s sad when you have to threaten people to like
Dude those spiders things make me hate your videos
H1ghSk1 looks 7 omg the number of letters is 7 OmG dEf It
Fck this world
True is so funny 😂
Is it me or is kemmstar our Youtube TMZ
12 and I look older than highsky
Why do these youtubers threaten us like we like it.
Pokimane = Poki Doki
F***ing sense.
This is honestly stupid
that wasn’t really exposing. wow he had a girlfriend.
Bro high sky is only 7 wym
The dude who was against Lia if he was right why would he erase his comment on somebody because he was in the wrong, some people act dumb sometimes trying to embarrass themselves over one person
Is the spider into a new trend or something every fortnite vid I watch it says like or this spider will be here
Ye there is no way that he is 13 he sounds to young and looks to young doesnt even voice crack or get a little bit of acne