The 2023 LEGO Star Wars Republic Gunship set has turned out to be a crazy one. LEGO went crazy opting to make the Clone Wars Coruscant Guard Gunship over all other variants! The choice is a good one but for $140 you are getting a downsized LEGO set, poor quality Clone Trooper Minifigures (Commander Fox… all-time bad), and some questionable design choices. The Palpatine & Padme Minifigures are excellent though and the Gunship, while small looks super cool in dark-red!
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How did they notice the smallest detail on the back of the gunship but didn't notice fox's torso detail?
we should have got thorn then fox
someone on quality department hates Commander Fox
i wish one day lego give us a Shark Gunship with Fordo and the rest of ARC Troopers
I dont understand why lego won't do waistcapes anymore, they work really well
I don’t get it… I’ve seen a few vids now highlighting how disappointing this set is (and others recently) from the build itself to the inaccurate figs etc… but People. Keep. Buying. Them, i don’t know maybe it’s a simplistic view but ‘if you don’t like it then don’t buy it’ and maybe Lego will get the message.
I just don’t understand buying them and then complaining how disappointing they are even though you knew this before purchasing it, cause by that point it’s to late… they have your money, mission accomplished to them 🤷🏻
Guys im stuck on the page 169 and it dose not tell me how to build the wing of the gunship
Lego is down sizing they builds like food companys are down sizing their food
What is youre favorite lego and why
8:03 wait till he finds out you can bend their legs
What the sense when they made this?!
I was going to buy it because it has clones
bro you complain so much its really hard to watch sometimes
You do want to know how many times I have rewatched this
I would be cool if you combined 2 of the sets to make a more 2008-2013 sized one
Why is lego getting smaller and smaller with their sets. Its ridiculous, i got the atte and man was i disappointed.
The red helmet is fine in my opinion, but Fox should've had a white torso with red printing + red arms. Change my mind.
Can you please link or make a video on how to modify the gunship to have ball turrets on the wings like the originals instead of those awful stud shooters!!! I’d pay for that modification
this gunship showed how much lego increased in price lol
Prob buy it on sale.
How for me it says comming soon
Bro complained about PADMES OUTFIT HOLY FUCK
The price is ridiculous for what you get, but im actually glad it’s smaller because now it’s closer to minifigure scale
im going to try to get this soon as posible so tell me when a good time to get it is
How much will this be agin
In all honesty the one door design Dosent bother me people seem to forget that this design of gunships were used in show but they were more for when the gunships had to fly to the planet from the cruisers when they were getting attacked it was rare but still existed
This should’ve been a S6 set with thorn, the fox is nice for now because i already have a thorn minifig
Perhaps the LEGO group intentionally made Fox look bad because of how much the community hates him.
I'm going to uni in September this year, I will not be buying any new Lego sets full price for financial reasons. So ill be buying them as soon as they go on a discount of around 20% – 30%, or better of course but I've never found Lego star wars to go on discounts of over 30% usually. Hoping to pick up all the new sets ASAP with discount!
I like it it’s more figure accurate
Lego never go on sale in Norway 😢
Bro really thinks people throw away their clothes after they wear them once
Great Video and Review. I actually feel bad for You, this is just a disappointing set. I love Lego, but other Themes are better than Star Wars. That's Sad.
Kinds the perfect metaphor for what Star Wars has become, pretty on the Outside, empty & pointless on the inside, and unless you've got your own collection to fall back on, it's totally lacking by itself, just like EVERYTHING Diznee does.
The figures and the gunship look nice but seems too expensive
Lego is the master of giving us what we want but doing it in such a trash way
Honestly I don’t care how many flaws there are Shock Troopers are my favorite so I’m buying 2 of these no matter what
this is sad
Open na noor
This set is really awesome I'll give this a 10/10 since it looks cool
& plus the price is fine
are the people who design the sets and minifigs separate entities?
Seems like with Fox, they mixed Fox’s design and Thorn’s design