6 Week Old LGD PUPPIES! Weekend Fun at the Lake! Cutest Puppies Ever! 6 Week Update.

6 Week Old LGD PUPPIES! Weekend Fun at the Lake! Cutest Puppies Ever! 6 Week Update.
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6 Week Old LGD PUPPIES! Weekend Fun at the Lake! Cutest Puppies Ever!

6 weeks old and still growing like crazy. We also bring y’all along on our weekend lake trip. Lets have some fun
#farm #LGD #puppy

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Fowler Family Farm
PO BOX 248
Paoli, Ok. 73074

Email: thefowlerproject777@gmail.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_fowlerfamilyfarm/


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About the Author: Fowler Family Farm


  1. What an awesome day. Having the entire family together is the best! It’s great that they’re all close enough now so y’all can get together like that. I miss my boys bring close. I have one in NC and one in OH. Very few family get together for us. Enjoy it.

  2. Beautiful puppies! I'm sure they will all find great homes❤We live in town, so small dogs is all we have room for.

  3. Oh my god those little potatoes you have to keep one ypull have mom dad and son or daughter just fix silas youll a family one of the puppies has likeca little smallpatch on her cheek they should call liz for liz taylor beaty mark .thank ypu for showing us the puupy food we knew you take good care of them i would hate to see them go .i think elena boobies look very red could be she out of milk and puppies keep pulling maybe you should check just in case .i would keep a girl my grandpa always says they make better wat h dogs he says they just like women never shut up there very quick to sound the boy will think females act right awy i hope they have good owners they deserve it if i was near i would get the little runt she has petite features bless all

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